Deserted With 13 Women (FM) (Femdom) (Part 1)

Our Varsity Volleyball team had been deserted in an unknown mountain range somewhere in the United States for 18 months. 13 of my Female teammates and our Male assistant coach.

We spent the first month solely focusing on finding nourishment, shelter, anything that would ensure our survival long term.

After 3 months things started to go haywire. With 13 girls and only 1 boy, you can imagine some of the arguments and disagreements that started to boil over. I can’t believe it was sex that was the biggest factor in our downfall.

It didn’t take long for people to start getting relentlessly horny. The girls outnumbered Coach 13:1 so we developed a schedule that was okay with him. Every girl would get 1-2 hours every other week with him in the private tent. Civilized right?

It was literally one of the only things we had to look forward to. It brought everyone immense joy, the intimacy was truly missed. It must have been the constant stress induced anxiety we were under, but all the girls would agree that the sex we were having was other-worldly. Orgasms felt multiplied, dick felt and tasted better, those first few sessions I will remember for the rest of my life.