[MF] Thanksgiving Dessert

I can still taste his cum in my mouth as I type this…it’s late also, so please excuse my grammar and spelling!

My family lives on the opposite coast and I couldn’t go home for thanksgiving. To be honest I couldn’t afford a ticket to go home for both thanksgiving a Christmas. I wasn’t sad about this because I would get a few days break from work and this would be perfect time to catch up on errands etc.

My roommate X asks me if I want to come to his thanksgiving with his family because he felt bad I was gonna be alone. I agreed and I knew he was right. I’d get lonely alone at home. So today we came to his family house for thanksgiving. It was a small intimate gathering (me, him, his parents and a family friend) with lots of booze and great food.

Around 8pm we settle into the living watching tv. X leaves to go shower and after he is done I go shower as well. We all hung out for a bit and the parents say they are gonna head to bed. To be honest it was kinda early but they are retired and go to be early and wake up early. We said our good nights and X put on a movie. The family friend didn’t wanna stay too late so they left before the movie started.

NYE teasing (MF)


So I have written about the threesome experience I had and the a lot of you have asked me to write my other experiences with the couple. Link above. I have had 2 more "encounters" with them but his is a story of what happened last night. I'm feeling a little ashamed to tell my friends about it…I will eventually. Until then, you guys will know first.

Also apologies for gramma and spelling errors. I'm typing this on my phone haha.

So if you read my previous story you will get a jist of what I look like. Anyways, this all started at a post semester/ Christmas party/ birthday party. My friends I decided to have a joint celebration of several events before we all left for the holidays. The party started at a friends house and then we went dancing after. Most of the people in the group were couples or had a significant otherswho wasn't there. Me and another girl where the only single people at this party.

My first sexual experience (MFF)

So first off please forgive any gramma errors. This is a story about my first sexual experience with a married couple. It's long so bear with me. A little background on me I'm 25 used to be a totally innocent girl and total prude. I didn't start touching myself until I was like 21 and don't have much sexual experience…not because it hasn't been offered but because I was raised in a religious good girls don't have sex before they are married and don't give themselves to men who have no intentions of marrying them community. Up to this night I had only made out with guys and had my boobs groped a little.

This was a few months ago, me and a few friends went to a show for a friends birthday. After the show we all still wanted to hangout and headed to this classy bar. When we got there,we me up with Katie (white) and her husband Chris (white) the married couple. It was a group of 9 of us, 4 couples and me the single one out of the group. I knew everyone in the group except Chris. He and talked and got to know each other as people usually do in a group setting.