Almost gone wild? Singapore to Paris

I had this weird experience years ago on a plane and I always wonder about it.

I was going on my first solo holiday overseas to Europe (backpacking). I had caught a plane from Sydney to Singapore and from there a flight to Paris. On the flight to Paris I was seated at the very back of the plane. The seating arrangements were like this:

Seat Seat Seat- – Seat Seat Seat – – Seat Seat Seat

Seat Seat – – Back wall – – Seat Seat

I was sitting on the aisle and she was next to me. She was from Singapore and I found her really beautiful, slim, pouty lips, delicate features, she had that beautiful milky porcelain skin… She was in her early thirties and I was in my early twenties. More than her body though she was very charming and we immediately hit it off joking around. She proposed a toast to my travels and we shared a glass of white wine. She casually dropped that she was single and visiting her sister.