[MF] The New Apartment Cleaning Lady Left Her Business Card Under My Door (PART FOUR)







It’s been a little over two weeks since I last posted about Rosa. If you have no idea who Rosa is, I suggest you click on that “part one” link to get yourself acquainted.

If you do know who Rosa is… welcome back.

I’ve had several people reach out to me asking for any updates on this situation, and there really hadn’t been. To prove how committed she was to breaking things off with me, she took a week off from work. I kinda felt bad about this particular detail because she doesn’t get many paid days off, so I was thinking, “Fuck. Is she gonna be able to take Christmas off now? Did I just ruin Christmas for her and her family?”

She’s a grown woman though, and she can make her own decisions in life. The week-long break of not seeing her actually made me realize how fucked the entire situation was. Did I really want to be the type of dude who helps someone cheat on their husband? Is that the look I’m going for in life?

[MF] My Best Friend’s Sister Saw My Bulge While I Was Crashing On Their Couch (PART TWO)



“What’s up with you?” Adam asked me as we stood out on the back patio looking at storm clouds off in the distance. The clouds were almost green, which was never a good sign.

“Nothing,” I quickly replied. I couldn’t tell him what was actually up with me. I couldn’t tell him that one week before I had fucked his sister in her bedroom. I couldn’t tell him I came all over her stomach and subsequently came all over mine the next day thinking about the encounter.

“You seem weird,” he said. A clap of thunder followed his rebuttal, almost as if God was trying to speak to me as well.

“I’m just a weird dude,” I walked out in the yard to get a better look at the storm clouds. As I looked up at the darkening sky, Adam’s mom opened up the door to let us know dinner was ready. It was a Sunday evening, and if everyone was in town, Adam and his family would get together for Sunday dinner. It usually only happened once or twice a month, since Adam and his father were traveling so much.

[MF] My Best Friend’s Sister Saw My Bulge While I Was Crashing On Their Couch

In the summer of my 21st year, I was broke and honestly a little depressed. I was in the middle of a pretty big life transition. Stuck between taking a big risk and moving to a new city, or staying in my hometown and trying to find a safe job to settle down with. I decided to take the risk, but before I could take it, I needed to save up some money.

So during the summer, my best friend (Adam) and his family allowed me to crash at their place. They had a stable household, especially compared to mine. My father had left years ago and my mom lived with a dude I couldn’t stand to be around, so I was very grateful for Adam and his family. Over the years, they had kinda become like a second family.

Adam was one year older than me and he had a younger sister named Riley. She was 18-years-old, and set to turn 19 later in the fall. She was going to a community college and working at a clothing store in town. Meanwhile, Adam was a manager at a roofing company his father owned, so they were out of town a lot. They would travel to areas that were hit by severe storms.

[MF] The New Apartment Cleaning Lady Left Her Business Card Under My Door (PART THREE)





“I’ve never had my ass licked,” Rosa said to me. She was standing in my living room, dripping wet wearing only a towel after taking a shower. She was supposed to be cleaning the shower. And I wasn’t supposed to be inside the apartment.

But let’s rewind. How did we end up here again? Well, one week after the events of “part two” Rosa came to my apartment during her lunch break. She stood inside my kitchen wearing her work uniform and looking at everything but me. For a solid minute, she stared at all the little magnets on my fridge, asking about one featuring a local animal shelter. “You don’t have a pet, do you?” she asked.

“No. They just give you one if you donate… give you a magnet, not a pet,” I clarified.

“Oh, I see.”

“Did you come here to talk about the artwork on my fridge?”

She give me a little smirk, but I couldn’t tell if it was friendly or not. Finally, she spoke. “I’m going to clean your apartment one more time, cause you paid in advance, but after that, no more.”

[MF] The New Apartment Cleaning Lady Left Her Business Card Under My Door (PART TWO)



The first time I saw Rosa following our passionate fuck was admittedly a little awkward. It was three days after and she was cleaning inside the mail room. I was getting mail, which checks out because we were in a mail room.

We made eye contact with each other, and it seemed like neither one of us knew how to start the conversation.

“Hey.” I finally managed to say softly.

“Hi,” she smiled, spraying the only window in the room.

“Nice day, huh?” God. I felt so stupid participating in small talk with her.

“Yeah,” she nearly laughed. “Nice day.”

“I’m making this weird, huh?”

“Maybe a little.”

“It’s the thing I’m best at.”

“I can think of something else you’re pretty good at,” she smiled, and then walked out of the room as someone else came in. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, looking like a complete idiot. The person who walked in actually asked me if I was okay. I was not.

[MF] The New Apartment Cleaning Lady Left Her Business Card Under My Door

Like most people in their mid-to-late 20s enjoying life in a big city, I live in an apartment because who the heck has enough money to buy a house? My apartment is small. I have a couch, a bed, a TV, and a dining table that can sit two average-sized adults.

But it’s enough for me, and despite it being rather small, I still dread cleaning it. I mean, how does one person produce so much dust? I should probably change the subject. Talking about dead skin cells scattered around my house probably isn’t doing much for you.

A handful of months ago, our apartment building got a new cleaning lady. She cleans the common areas of the apartment building. You know, the gym, the elevators, mail room, trash room, etc. The former cleaning lady was probably in her late 60s and retired. She was nice enough. I was a little sad to see her go. She’d always greet you with a big smile.

This new cleaning lady was a little younger, probably in her early 40s. At first, she seemed a little shy, but it didn’t take her long to get comfortable with everyone. One morning, I was in the elevator with her as she was cleaning and we had a brief conversation. She shared that her name was Rosa and the previous cleaning lady was actually her aunt.