Snowed In [M] {F}

To start off, let me admit that I’m kind of a sucky storyteller. All I really know how to do is write like I talk, and so that’s what I’ll do. Hopefully everything’s intelligible.

I’m currently at school in Utah, and at my university they have this fat discount on ski passes they get for their students, so I jumped on that, and I’ve been skiing at Park City (where they hold the Sundance Film Festival) every week since the beginning of the season. Honestly, it’s a blast.

Usually I go with friends, but this Saturday my buddies were busy all day with a wedding, so I took this girl I barely even knew to go skiing with me. We have a couple mutual friends, and I’ve run into her at a couple parties. Every time, she acts super excited to see me, and she’s hella cute. Her insta’s been pretty SO-free for the last couple months, so it seemed safe to ask her. She responded surprisingly enthusiastically, and so Saturday morning I was in front of her apartment in the cold morning light loading her skis into my car.