First Time [NSFW] [M/F] [Consent]

First Time

I would love to say that I wasn’t as old as I was when I first had sex, but I was 27…and it wasn’t for a lack of trying. The girl I had been dating was just two days short of her 21st birthday.

We had been dating for about 5 months and had felt that our lives were right on track to be with each other. We felt we were in love and meant to get married. I know, it seemed like we moved quite fast to get to that point in our lives, but it felt right.

Leading up to this moment, there had been plenty of heavy petting of the last couple of months to include being naked with each other and playing with each other.

Because we both were virgins and felt that we would end up married, we had made the decision that we would wait until then to have sex…but that changed on that night two days before her birthday.

She was a beautiful 5’ 4” tall woman with dark brunette hair and green eyes. She had a smile that would warm you on the coldest day and a demeanor that would turn a bad day around. She was simply amazing.