Almost caught by her sister [MF]

So a few years back I had a side piece/fwb who I will call Lori. I’d met her through some mutual friends. I was out one Friday night after work with this group of friends and had never spent much time with Lori but she ended up sitting next to me and we had some fun, both sharing a snarky sense of humor. She was a cute brunette with decent boobs and a nice round ass that looked like it would be a lot of fun to spank.

Everyone else headed home early but the two of us decided to have one more round. She asked where my SO was and I answered truthfully that she was probably working late on yet another project. I asked where her ex-boyfriend was and she told me that she’d ended it with him recently because he was boring. I asked her what she missed about him and she answered truthfully “giving blowjobs”. I was taken aback and asked for more information. She was pretty tipsy and confessed that she was a head queen and loved sucking cock as much/more than getting fucked.

[MF] Man whoring at my cousins wedding

A few years back, I got an invitation to attend my distant female relative’s wedding down in Hilton Head, SC. I’d never been there before and figured “why the hell not?” as I’d never met any of these relatives.

My Mom was also attending the wedding. She had seen me flirt with girls on vacation before and as a result, affectionately referred to me “the man whore” whenever we were someplace with single women. She given me a heads up before I arrived that the relative getting married wasn’t exactly the hottest girl and to not expect there to be a huge pool of willing females. I shrugged it off, figuring that even if the wedding sucked I could probably play a round or two of golf and explore the area to kill the time.

[MF] St Patricks Day Back Door Surprise

Awhile back I (M24 at the time) had been long-distance dating a (F22) who was finishing up college out of state. Since she was out of state, we had agreed that we weren’t exclusive, but her parents had money and she liked to come back to SoCal whenever she could, so I usually got to bang her every other weekend or so.

Her spring break was early that year and St Patty’s Day has always been one of my favorite made up holidays. My friends wanted to meet at an Irish Pub we liked for breakfast and to start partying but I told them I would be there late morning since she was flying in early the morning of St Pattys Day. She had promised to go visit her parents quickly so that the two of us could get a cab before the lunch rush as I knew a long line would form after that. Apparently her plane was late coming in and her parents had decided to ask her a bunch of questions about her pending graduation six weeks later so she got caught up in that shitshow.

[FM] How I [23M] hooked up with a friends GF [23F] at a Malibu Beach Party

A few years back I was invited to a house party/bbq in Malibu on a Saturday night. The invite came from a work friend but ironically some old classmates from college had also received an invitation from someone else in the know so I was pleasantly surprised to see some familiar faces when I pulled up. I was living in a small one-bedroom in the Marina so the drive out to Malibu meant either a really expensive cab both ways or that I had to moderate my drink intake enough to pass a DUI checkpoint as LA Sheriffs and CHP are pretty notorious for pulling people on the PCH for BS reasons to justify their existence (and meet their quotas) as Malibu is pretty much zero crime.