My [M50+] first Tantric Massage Experience [MF]

“Fuck me…” I muttered in disgust after hanging up my phone. It was news of yet another cancelled meeting with a prospective client that I had scheduled to meet weeks before at an industry conference in Las Vegas. Apparently, a wave of Covid had washed through a large portion of our industry at a super spreader event the week before, but as I was not in attendance I dodged that bullet.

A month before, I had booked a larger suite at my hotel in Vegas. The suite was designed to handle client gatherings complete with an office table, but it was going to waste since no one was coming. I’d received some cancellations leading up to the trip, but I’d spent all morning receiving updated cancellations via emails, texts and phone calls. My calendar was wiped out, so the rest of my day was now wide open to do as I pleased. I scrolled thru my contact list and sent out a few inquiries to some other prospects in case they were free, but I knew getting on someone else’s schedule this late meant my chances were slim.

How my [M25] voice got my headhunter [F32] so horny she had to have the D [MF]

So this was a few years back, but after college I started working in the financial services industry. Within a few years of graduation I started to get recruited by “headhunters” and moved between firms for whoever was offering more money as there weren’t many people my age who’d gotten hired out of college so we were in demand.

So I got a call one day from a female recruiter I’d never spoken with. I’ll call her Jill. At that time I worked in a cubicle so it was tough to really answer a lot of her questions in detail without my boss knowing I was interested in moving to another firm. Luckily I had made friends with the receptionist who answered our phones (actually I was banging her as a FWB but that’s a different story) and she transferred my calls into unused conference rooms where I could have some privacy.

How my [M50] became my ex brother in law [MF]

So a few years ago my ex-wife’s sister (We’ll call her Lynn) was married to her husband (Jeff). They lived in the Southeast and had two kids, but after Lynn had the kids she decided to double down on the baby weight and ballooned up to probably 275 lbs or more. To ensure that her husband would be even less attracted to her, Lynn decided to hen-peck Jeff to death in front of their employees (they owned a small business together) and in front of her kids. He was very chill and always took it, rarely offering a rebuke.

I liked Jeff but hated visiting them as the drama was always off the charts, especially as Lynn would down a couple of bottles of white wine then pass out early after taking her shots at him in front of us. Jeff would self-medicate with weed and booze out on the patio or in the garage and stay up much later than his wife, pretty much avoiding her whenever possible. I’m kind of a night owl so when I visited I would usually pour Jeff a cold one and let him rant about his unhappiness. During these conversations, I suggested that he hire an attorney and divorce her but said he would hang in there for their kids (like 10 and 8 at the time) until they were older or until Lynn started being nice again.

Funny story about a Stripper [MF]

I [M44 at the time] do a lot of traveling in my line of work and have taken a lot of clients and prospects to strip clubs around the U.S. I’ve always found it interesting how some cities have very lenient laws which allow full nude dancing + alcohol + VIP rooms where few laws are enforced while other cities are much stricter about what is allowed. Even various cities in Southern California have different ordnances etc but the one city known for the most “mileage” in terms of girls getting very aggressive in the VIP rooms is the City of Industry. There is a chain of strip clubs headquartered in Industry which I won’t name but this chain also has another strip club in a sketchy area of Downtown LA with very low mileage in terms of restrictions on lap dances and drinking. This place is known to place business cards and fliers on cars parked at Staples Center because guys might be buzzed after a Laker or Clipper game and want to throw some more money away on a stripper even though contact was supposed to be minimal.

I paid for my brothers first happy ending [MF]

So a few years back my little brother was having a milestone birthday. He lives in the Midwest and has been married to the same sweet lady for more than 20 years. He’s generally pretty straight laced and as far as I know, has never really indulged in cheating on his wife or visiting Asian Massage Parlors/ AMPs etc.

I decided for his birthday gift to take him on an all expenses paid golf trip to play the courses in Monterey. He flew out to LA first thing in the morning and I picked him up from LAX then we immediately drove up the coast to our hotel in Monterey. If you’ve never been there the scenery is spectacular but its one of those towns where at sunset everything starts to get really quiet. We had a nice dinner and walked around Monterey but by 9 p.m. every bar was emptying out.

We played golf the next morning and had fun as the scenery is just amazing. We got back to our hotel that afternoon and my back started to tighten up as golf can be hell on your back. I started scrolling through my phone looking for a massage place and found an AMP right downtown in Monterey. I called over and made an appointment for both of us and he looked at me and asked what was up.

My [MF] most memorable NYE hookup

So a few years back on New Years Eve my wingman and I decided to head to this club in West LA. We pre-partied at my place a few miles away then made it to the club around 10:30 via a taxi. By the time we got to the club I realized that we were both really fucking drunk. Instead of exercising good judgment, we doubled down and got even more wasted for the next hour while talking to random girls and having a good time.

My wingman disappeared to the bathroom. I introduced myself to a long haired Filipino girl about my age who had walked by. She told me her name was Angelica but she went by “JJ”. Even in my drunken state, I knew that JJ was not that cute but I could tell that her body was solid under a short black skirt that accentuated her ass nicely. We danced a few songs then I kissed her when the clock struck midnight. JJ practically melted into me and started kissing me about as hungrily as a girl could kiss a dude. She asked me if I wanted to leave and I nodded but told her I had to tell my wingman that I was leaving. I found him a few minutes later talking to a girl and told him I was leaving. He wanted to stay so I told him that I’d leave the front door open since he was crashing on my couch that night.

[MF] Getting rimmed in Vegas

So a few years back the company I used to work for decided to have their national meeting in Vegas. The meeting was in January during the middle of the week so it wasn’t convenient to bring spouses or SO’s. I told my now-ex about it and she said couldn’t get away from her job. Considering that things between us weren’t going well, I really didn’t want her to come with me anyway.

At the time, I had just reconnected with a female classmate (“Katie” via Facebook who lived about two hours away in a different part of Southern California. We had been having quick bang sessions at her place with whenever I had meetings in her area for a few months. I had told Katie initially when we reconnected that I was in a LTR but she said that she didn’t care as she only wanted sex and not a relationship. She was a sales rep and had a pretty flexible schedule so I reached out to her to see if she wanted to drive out to Vegas with me for the two-nights since I had a free room. She immediately said yes so I picked her up and we drove out to Vegas.

A touch of yellow and vanilla fever [MF]

So a few years back my office was in Downtown LA. A former co-worker of mine (Kyle) invited me to his birthday party up in the Valley on Saturday night. I lived in West LA at the time but had a friend (Dave) who lived in the Valley close to where the birthday party was going down, so Dave and I decided to play golf that afternoon. It was hot and they had a special on beer sold by the hot girl in the golf cart, so we had a nice buzz by the time we got back to his place to get cleaned up.

We pre-partied and had some munchies after we’d showered then took a taxi over to the club hosting the birthday thirty minutes after the party had started. When we found him, Kyle was pretty hammered already and introduced us around to his friends. I knew some of them from a few years back and we exchanged greetings. As we were talking I realized that I was just as drunk as Kyle as neither of us were really saying anything that was coherent. I thought it might be a good idea to have a few water bottles as a spacer and throttle back, so I chilled out in the corner for awhile with Dave. I noticed a group of cute Asian girls arrived a few minutes later and they hugged Kyle and gave him a birthday gift. I exchanged long glances with one of them and Dave laughed at me.

[MF] First time I creampied a girl on a boat

So back in my younger days my friends and I we used to spend the summers at a lake on the Colorado River with our families. By the time we were in college our parents had collectively realized that my group of friends were pretty responsible, so they allowed us access to their power boats. On average, the boats were about 24 feet in length, small enough to water ski behind but were also big enough to sleep 4-6 people each.

After my freshman year, we organized a four-day trip in early June when everyone got home from college. There were about ten of us on the trip (eight guys and two girls who were like sisters to me). We had two boats with tank fulls of gas, cold beer and food for college age kids (i.e. burgers and hot dogs). We found an amazing campsite and partied like rockstars for the first three days, then ran out of beer and gas so we headed back to the Marina to fill up both after breakfast. Once we were at the Marina a few hours later, six people including the two girls decided they’d had enough fun and they decided to go home even though we were supposed to spend one more night on the lake. Including me, there were four guys left so after they left, we dry docked the smaller boat and grabbed lunch at the Marina restaurant.

[MF] that night in the VIP room with a stripper in Houston

So a few years ago I was in Houston on a business trip. I was meeting with both clients and prospective clients and had started my day with a seven a.m. breakfast meeting that went non-stop until 5 p.m. I was wearing a suit and thanked myself for scheduling the trip in late October when the weather wasn’t such a steam bath as Houston is hella-hot when you are wearing a wool suit.

My hotel was in the Galleria/Westside area of Houston. As I drove up to it, I realized the hotel was really close to a strip club called Treasures. I like popping into strip clubs on my business trips as I like watching naked women dance and I like a cold, stiff drink at the end of a long day of meetings. I’ve been to strip clubs in almost every large city in the U.S. and am always interested to see what the rules are in each city. Houston and Atlanta are pretty liberal in what is allowed, especially as most cities don’t allow fully nude places to serve alcohol. I parked at my hotel and walked the two blocks to the strip club.