[FM] fucked by a french dude while my friend sleeps 3 feet away

This one happened around the time I graduated college and started my first real job. I had my own apartment, a nice little studio with a leaking bathroom ceiling, and I thought, “Hell what do real adults do? Take a vacation.”

So I booked a trip.

To Bali no less. I’d always wanted to go, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eager at the prospect of meeting some home run foreign stud. My wish came true not even 24 hours after I stepped off the plane.

One thing about international travel that always gets me is the jet lag. Trips to the other side of the planet are the worst offender. I become essentially nocturnal for a day or more. After checking in to my hostel in Kuta (essentially a party town that happens to boast exceptional surfing), I spent about a day intermittently sleeping.

[FM] my last (and only) good sex with my garbage ex

I think this was maybe two years ago in October. It gets cold around then in Colorado. I was a pretty big smoker back then— mostly of spliffs, weed and tobacco for the uninitiated or squares.

There was a loser ex boyfriend. He never really showed up much in the way a boyfriend should and after about a year of it I’d had enough. His name was Jade which is pretty unusual for a man, but he was tall, skinny, and pretty heavily tattooed— quite the stoner. A winning type for sure.

I should describe myself too. I’m about 5’6, black hair, solid build from a lot of yoga and running. Average bust, toned ass— I’m proud of that one. I don’t have tattoos but I always thought they were hot. Hence, Jade.

Tonight he was supposed to swing by and pick up the rest of his stuff which I’d packed neatly in a box. I should have just left it on the porch, but I guess I was looking for an fight because I sat out on my shitty plastic lawn chair waiting for him to come by. It was already 6pm, and the evening was just getting darker and colder. I lit up a joint, mentally loading up ammunition for a blowout argument. I exhaled and the smoke mingled with the dingy porch light as I waited, trying to look cool and collected, for his car.