Sheltered Teen to Slutty Housewi[f]e: My First Blowjob (Part 3)

Check out Part 1 and 2 on my Profile!

Longer Story, so you can see why I broke it up from Part 2. As always, leave me some love once you get to the end, of you cum, whichever comes first :-)

Around 11:30 the next day, Darren picked me up in front of my house (yes, that’s his real name, none of this fake name stuff everyone posts. If you’re reading Darren, you’re about to be a star lol).

We decided on Olive Garden, an actual restaurant but still quick and somewhere we could talk. I could tell he was super nervous on the ride over and wanted to ask what this was all about but didn’t want to be the one to bring it up. Once we sat down and ordered food, I decided to just get right to it and not beat around the proverbial bush. I don’t even have to paraphrase this conversation, because all these years later, I remember it like it was yesterday. The jumping off point for what would become a very slutty life later on:

**Me:** I want to have sex!

**Darren:** Whattt? (as he choked on the water he was drinking)

Sheltered Teen to Slutty Housewi[f]e: Toys and Virginity (Part 2)

Part 1 – [HERE](

It seems like you guys liked the first part of this series, so I’m happy to keep writing. Show some love once you get to the end, or cum, whichever comes first lol.

It had been about three weeks since my first masturbation/orgasm experience that I discussed in part one. I was hooked, making up for lost time, and using my summer after high school to literally play with myself 7-8x a day. Each time getting bolder and bolder, learning new ways and new places to get myself off. I started doing it in the shower, the living room when no one was home, my car, and even once in a changing room at the mall. I even got my friend Rachel to let me borrow one of her dildos and vibrators that her mom bought her (that’s an interesting relationship there that will require its own story, that girl’s family was the exact opposite of mine).

Sheltered Teen to Slutty Housewi[F]e: The Beginning (Part 1)

****This is my first time writing about any of my experiences, ever! I hope you enjoy it because I have so many more experiences to share, plus I really like writing and re-living all of this stuff.****

Sex was never discussed in my house growing up. It was taboo, unspoken, a terrible sin, and the worst thing I could ever do according to my overzealous, religious prude of a mother. I can remember the first time I ever touched myself. I was 18, had just graduated high school a couple of weeks before, and after building up some confidence, decided I was sick of being the only one of my friends who hadn’t had an orgasm or fucked a boy.

I wish I could say I was the cute blonde with big tits who was popular but repressed, but I wasn’t. I was the nerdy, Hispanic chick who kept to herself mostly and didn’t really like talking to people. I was 5’6” and 95 lbs, ass that was tight as a drum but with proportional 32A’s sitting on my chest (at least my nipples were cute and super sensitive), I had washboard abs and nice, thick brown hair. I played volleyball and ran track and it showed.