[MF] Breakup Suck

They do and when Kelly (who I wrote [this later occuring story about](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/di9ll6/mf_my_new_couch/)) and I broke up, it was necessary but also a big fucking mess for us both. Her best friend Julie was great at being there for Kelly in that stretch, and knowing Kelly had someone to lean on made it easier on me too. As “breaking up” became “broken up” and things felt more final I sent a closing message to Julie thanking her for all the help she’d been and that we both appreciated it. Her response? “Absolutely, I’m going to be there for her. I’m here for you too, here for BOTH of you!”

That’s a nice sentiment, but we weren’t really close enough that I’d feel comfortable adding on even if the offer was genuine rather than just polite. So I said thanks and spent the next month doing some solitary wallowing and worked through things mostly on my own. It was a surprise when I heard again from Julie a month later checking up on how I was doing. Mentally and getting over things? Okay, progressing. Physically? Well this was day 4 of an ass-kicking illness and I was freshly sent home alone from the doctor’s with a 104 temp.

[MF] My New Couch

Finally, I finally got moved out of my parents house. It took almost 3 years after graduating college to get there, but god damn finally. I had an apartment, a ~~bed~~ mattress, a laptop, and a lot of empty space. Once I was settled someone gave me a pretty decent ‘old’ TV for a housewarming gift, and that really tied the bare living room together.

As is pretty fair for a bachelor with a TV before seating and other basic household necessities, I got jokingly teased a fair bit for it. And since fair is fair, when I got my couch I made sure to remind them all they were a bunch of broke-ass nothings who WISHED they had a couch this nice and new. One of the responses I got back came from an ex-turned-friend, Kelly. She invited herself over to introduce me to this show she’d been dying to share, just not so much she wanted to sit on hardwood floors to do it. (wuss)

[MF] The Risky Blowjob

It’s a decade old memory, but things like this get so burned into mind that every detail is fresh as if it were hours ago.

The weekends were simple for Dana and I, we’d make a beeline for my apartment and fuck like rabbits on cocaine. Friday night through Sunday afternoon, week after week, was a marathon of touching, licking, sucking, and fucking. Interludes didn’t offer much more than time to catch our breaths and replenish our fluids, you could say our relationship was a little superficial and sex based.

So, when odd circumstances brought me over to her family’s house in the middle of the afternoon, both of us were a little lost. A strict ‘no boys in your room’ rule left us chilling on the couch of an open concept living room, on display as her mother and brother routinely bounded through. We’re halfheartedly flipping through on of her family’s picture books, and I’m doing my best to pay attention to it and be proper all while 98% of my thoughts are revolving around tearing her clothes off and doing the filthy things we usually do. It was difficult, but I was managing okay. At least until she looked over to me with a pensive expressive and a few seconds later came the offhand remark, “You know, I’d suck your dick anywhere, anytime you wanted me to.”