They do and when Kelly (who I wrote [this later occuring story about]( and I broke up, it was necessary but also a big fucking mess for us both. Her best friend Julie was great at being there for Kelly in that stretch, and knowing Kelly had someone to lean on made it easier on me too. As “breaking up” became “broken up” and things felt more final I sent a closing message to Julie thanking her for all the help she’d been and that we both appreciated it. Her response? “Absolutely, I’m going to be there for her. I’m here for you too, here for BOTH of you!”
That’s a nice sentiment, but we weren’t really close enough that I’d feel comfortable adding on even if the offer was genuine rather than just polite. So I said thanks and spent the next month doing some solitary wallowing and worked through things mostly on my own. It was a surprise when I heard again from Julie a month later checking up on how I was doing. Mentally and getting over things? Okay, progressing. Physically? Well this was day 4 of an ass-kicking illness and I was freshly sent home alone from the doctor’s with a 104 temp.