How I ended up having anal sex with a girl before PIV (Interracial, Virgins, Long) [m18/f18]

So some disclaimers: this is long and will take a while to get to the sexual stuff. I have changed some superficial details and names to protect identities but otherwise this is a completely true story of my first sexual experiences and how I ended up having anal sex with a girl before I’d had PIV sex. I am not a writer of any description and this is my first attempt at a story so be gentle. Also, be assured that there is no Loch Ness Monster. Look for the break if you want to skip to where things get sexual.

I left high school a virgin. Not just a virgin, but a never been kissed virgin. Girls wouldn’t just turn me down, they seemed to be a bit insulted that I thought I had a chance. I was short, pale, and geeky. I had acne, braces and was painfully shy. I went off to University aged 18 with my acne gone and braces removed. Regardless, I had built up a lot of insecurities about my attractiveness. Girls didn’t seem to be horrified by me anymore but I was still no girl’s fantasy. A solid 5 out of 10. But that was ok, I had long since made peace with the fact that I was no model. My confidence slowly grew from nothing to still almost non-existent but something. I went on a few casual dates and even kissed a couple of girls, but never got any further than that.