After 4 years, we had an “agreement”[MF]

This happened over 10 years ago. It may seem like a long build up, as the real life build up surely was.
In the 10th grade, my family moved from the suburbs back to the country. We live in the South and this highschool is in the middle of nowhere. We moved to the river. All my family went to this school so it was sort of a “homecoming” and I already had friends there.
My first day of school,in 1st block, I was in music appreciation. I was sitting by a couple of buddies I had went to elementary school with. We were the “country” crowd. I mean really the whole school was. Everyone hung out with each other . It was a small school. (2A)
Sitting there with Chad, thats when I saw her come in. Not late but right before the bell. I still remember what she had on. Jeans and a tight blue almost velvety t shirt. I had never met her but she was friends with my buddies already. She came and sat with us. She introduced her self saying “ Hey, Im Kayla” . I smiled and shook her hand and told her my name. She was ….damn she was just pretty. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, kinda tan, beautiful smile, and still to this day the most awesome pair of tits I have ever seen in person(although I havent seen them yet….wink) they were big and they fit her frame perfectly. She wasnt a beanpole but she wasnt chubby either. She was known for her tits with the guys. She knew it too. She wasnt slutty or anything. That first day we just chatted and we had a few classes together. She was cool and we all partied together. We got to be really good friends. Actually somewhere on down the line( way down) she was some kind of kin to me…by marriage. So we called each other cuz. ( i can hear the comments now).