Coming Out [LGBT]

*Three hundred miles from home; have a great job as a video game designer but things seem no different than when I was in high school.  No, wait, that is not quite right.  There is a difference; I don’t have my mom and dad breathing down my neck about becoming a preacher like my dad and settling down and giving them grandkids.  Yeah, mom still mentions grandkids when I come home for the holidays, and dad said at thirty I should have a real job.  Parents, you got to love them even if you disagree.  I know after all this time I should be honest with my parents, especially mom, and tell her that the only grandkids she is going to have are the ones that my sister and brother have given her.  From me, grandkids would have to be adopted.  And as far as finding that perfect “woman”, well that is impossible.  I am gay but am still living in the closet.  I haven’t even had the balls to have a one night stand or even admit I am gay to the world, much less my own family.*

Watch and Learn Harry [Cuckolding]

“Harry, you are pathetic in bed.  Do you know that?  After five years of marriage and you still cannot find my clit; I could put flashing lights near it and you would still miss it.  Thank god for my trusty vibrator and Vince because otherwise, I would be a horny mess.  Why in the world did I ever marry you?” she berated me who was sitting quietly on the couch while my wife, paced around the room.

I sat there, not saying a word.  I had no idea when we were dating that she was this way but right after the honeymoon it seemed like she did a complete transformation.  If my male friends knew how henpecked I was I would never live it down.  *Why do I stay around, taking her abuse, and listening to her tales of the men she has fucked, even on our honeymoon of all things?  And today, she made me wear a cock cage.  I need to leave here, get my manhood back…*

My thoughts were interrupted by a slight smack on my head and Sherry screaming, “Listen to me when I am talking to you, Harry.  What in the world am I going to do?”

Quickie in the Bathroom [M/F] [Cheating]

I sat there at my dressing table, putting the final touches on my makeup, wishing I could claim a headache and stay home, binge-watching television, and eating ice cream.  Unfortunately, it was my husband’s celebratory dinner at his boss’s house and it would not look good for me to be missing.  After ten years of hard work Mark, my husband finally made district sales manager and would now work in the home office supervising a team of salesmen instead of traveling.

“Summer,” Mark called up the stairs, “come on.  We need to leave. It would not look good for us to be late.”

“I’m coming,” I called back, standing up and grabbing my clutch.

As I made my way down the stairs, I saw Mark glaring at me.  “Summer Marie, what the hell are you thinking?  You look like a whore.”

“You would know since you have had so many of them,” I muttered under my breath.  I knew that Mark would not be pleased with what I chose to wear.  He wanted me to act my age, wear my dresses and skirts at knee length, and not show any cleavage.  *What in the world possessed me to antagonize Mark on his special night?  I should have been more considerate,* as I thought about my attire; my red dress that had a deep cleavage, and came to mid-thigh and was held up by thin spaghetti straps. *Oh well, too late to change now,* as I continued down the stairs.

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I Guess Love Doesn’t Die [M/F][Cheating]

*Wow, has it really been twenty-five years since I walked across that stage to get my diploma?  I wonder how much everyone has changed and what they are doing.  I wonder…will she be there?  Is she still married?  Is she happy?*  I shook my head, trying to get those thoughts out of my head.  *Why should I be concerned if she would be there and if she is happy?  She deserves to be miserable after the way she treated me.  I have a beautiful wife, two children, and a great job.  I am…happy…*

“Ethan, are you about ready?” my wife, Cathy’s voice, broke into my thoughts. 

“I am coming,” I hollered back taking one last look in the mirror.  *“Yeah, I have changed for sure.  A few grey streaks in my hair, more like a four-pack now instead of a six-pack, little bit of a paunch but then I am not 18 any longer.”*

When I walked into the living room, Cathy came over, straightened my tie, and kissed me.  “I am so sorry I cannot attend your reunion with you Ethan but…”

A Birthday To Remember [M/F] [Cheating]

I watched Charles shuffle into the kitchen and take his seat at the table, picking up the morning newspaper and open it to the sports section.  I came behind him, reaching over to put his breakfast of toast and coffee in front of him although I knew he did not like me to get in the way of him and his sports section.  

“Beth, you know I do not like you doing that,” he said glaring at me before turning back to the newspaper.

*Man, he sure has been grumpy the past few days.  Hope I am not that way when I turn forty in two years.  He is acting like his life is about to end or something,* I thought to myself.  “Charles, is something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong.  Whatever gave you that idea?” he asked as he folded the newspaper and laid it beside him on the table.

“Well…you have been a bit grumpy lately,”

“Just wait until you turn forty and see how grumpy you are,” Charles told me, saying exactly what I was thinking was wrong.

Revenge is Sweet [M/F] [Cheating]

“I swear it will not happen again Alice,” her husband assured me as he reached for my hand.  “It was a moment of weakness.  It is you I love.  Honestly.”

I yanked my hand away from his, saying angrily, “My gosh Fred, you have used that excuse several times before.  Can’t you come up with something original?  You are wrong.  It is not a ‘moment of weakness’ but more like a case of wandering cock.”

I looked at him with disgust in my eyes.  *Married 20 years and I have lost count of the times he has had a ‘moment of weakness.’  Yes, I know I should divorce his cheating ass and take him for every penny he has but two reasons are stopping me; our two children.  I do not want them to be without a father.*  I chuckle silently to myself *because they are no longer children but are almost adults.  Collin is 18 and heading to college and Lauren is 17 and graduates high school this year. I guess a part of me still loves Fred and I was brought up to believe that marriage was sacred and something that you did not throw away or have moments of weakness in.  We had married right out of high school when we were 18. I see now that our parents were right, we should have waited, dated others, but we were in love.*

Bliss of Time [M/F] [Cheating]

My phone beeped; it was a message from Logan he wanted to hang out this Saturday. I grinned at the thought, Logan is my long-time crush, and we have been friends for a while although we had only hung out once and it was quite a moment.

‘*Sure… What time?’* I texted back.

I watched my phone waiting for a reply, not wiping off that silly grin as I recalled the first time we had met, we had gone to the movies. However, it was our first-time meeting in person it hadn’t felt like it, it was just so natural, and nothing was forced, we had laughed half the film, and he made a couple of advances, but we didn’t make out. I think he was just too much of a gentleman even though he shamelessly ogled my ass and held my waist.

‘*Any time that is fine by you.’* he responded.

‘12:00 pm is okay, I guess.’

‘you know you love to sleep in, make it 1:00 pm.’


I cannot wait to see him again.

 So, I was not sure what to put on. I called my sister Tara to help with my dilemma.

The Neighbor [M/F] [Cheating] [Old/Young]

My name is Brittany and I am almost 22 years old, am an army wife and been married three years.  In the past three months, we have been uprooted from the army base near where we are from and plunked down in the middle of a new base five hundred miles away from friends and family.  It would not be so bad if Derrick had not gotten emergency orders to ship out within a few weeks of us moving here.  Everyone seems to have their cliques and I am an outsider. 

I have a hard time making new friends.  Although the housing we were in was for married couples, right before Derrick shipped out, an older single man moved into the apartment across the hallway.  He only had forty-five days left before he retired so they let him stay there since it was temporary.  We all three had talked and we even had him over for dinner a couple of times but it felt weird being friends with a single man so I just spoke to him when we passed in the hallway or coming and going after Derrick shipped out.

Naughty Catherina [M/F] [Cheating]

I stared at Ricardo’s back as he worked on the eggs in the kitchen, he is a loving man, beautiful inside and out, but I wasn’t satisfied. I yearned for more, I wanted to explore, I needed excitement, when I married Ricardo I was side blinded by what I saw, he was the first man I lay with, everything was fine, but something was amiss in the bedroom. Ricardo had no element of surprise.

“Want some coffee ?” Ricardo had asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Hmm… no, I prefer tea, use honey, no cream.”

“Okay, baby.”

He brought my breakfast to me on the sofa with a grin on his face, he loved doing this, he loved being the perfect gentleman, I’m so vile for being disgusted by this act, after all, any lady would kill for this.

“What’s wrong, Catherina? You look worried.” He asked me, his thick Spanish accent accentuating his English.

“Oh, it’s nothing darling. I’m thinking about a vacation” I lied through my teeth biting into my toast with a sly smile.

“Ah! That’s not a bad idea. We need it, and I feel like we need to reconnect, don’t you think ?”

Games with the Devil [M/F] [Cheating]

“We are attending a cocktail party tomorrow, darling.” My husband, Tim, said to me as he got ready for work.

“Oh…” I responded cocking my head to the side as I waited for more details.

Tim turned to glance at me, a smile lit up his face.

“It’s my promotion party. I’m now an Executive Officer.” He said.

“Shut up!” I exclaimed, jumping to my feet on the bed. We had been waiting for this moment, Tim has worked as Office Manager at Bryson’s Company for twelve years.

“This is so awesome! Oh my gosh, Tim! Why didn’t you tell me last night?” I exclaimed.

“You were asleep, baby.” He said as he chuckled

“Uhh… Wake me up, duh!”

“Stop exaggerating!” he said while he combed through his blonde hair.

This man, he was always so calm about everything but not me, I liked to be bubbly and extra.

“I am going gown shopping. I need to look like the Queen of the event.” I had said dreamily, a smile on my face. I love this man so much, my vanilla man.

“You are a Queen everyday baby.”
