Exploring Old Memories-FF/MMF/Group

This is a little long but hopefully entertaining. Bear with me, I’m new at this. Any misspellings or other errors are apologized for in advance.

I just recently started communicating some of my past sexual experiences and it has done some amazing things for my sex life. My wife and I have been married for 18 years and while hitting some ups and downs, 2 kids, screwy work schedules, and other obstacles, we’ve always made an effort to stay connected in the bedroom. Having said that, it was mostly fairly normal stuff. We had a porn phase, a make our own porn phase, toys, exhibitionism, light bondage for a while, just trying anything new to keep it exciting. I’m guessing that part is fairly normal.

The not-so-normal part is what my sex life was like before I got married. I wasn’t some kind of sexual dynamo or anything like that, and it’s not the message I’m trying to get across. But in my younger days I was fairly open to new experiences and rarely turned them down when offered. I never shared those experiences with my wife because it never really came up. I was 24 when we met, and she was 20. She had confided in me that she’d only had two sexual partners so I was definitely the more experienced but she never asked for details.