I was a superintendent that found out a tenant was running an escort agency [MF]

Up until recently, I was a superintendent for a large apartment building with 100+ units. I am in my 40s, white, 6 feet tall and divorced.

Now anyone who is a super can tell you, you get 90% of your calls from 10% of your tenants. I have one tenant who is particularly bad and reports every real and imagined issue that she can. She is an older woman who lives alone and apparently has nothing better to do than bother me and her neighbors.

Once she told me she thought one of the tenants down the hall was selling drugs. She had noticed a lot of people coming in and out of the unit. She saw a stranger loitering outside the building and asked what he was doing. He told her he waiting for a friend but she says he seemed nervous and like he was lying. He got a text and said it was his friend. They ended up riding the elevator together and he went to the unit down the hall.

The last bit caught my attention. It was probably innocent but was enough of a red flag I decided I had to inspect. The name on the lease was Antony Smith.