My wife agreeing to a gang bang, but to her terms. 4 [m]en and 1 [f]emale.

About a month and a half ago my wife and I decided to kick off the new year right. We had been flirting with the idea of arranging a gang bang for her since that was one of her biggest fantasies. The hardest part of that was trying to figure out who the guys would be. All of our experiences (or I should say her experiences) have been with people we were comfortable with and trusted.

I convinced her to do this with some guys that we met while volunteering last year. The guys were construction workers and were contracted by the superintendent of our building. We volunteered to help fix up a park for kids. My wife had an encounter with our super last year before we moved but has since moved back.

The guys at the park were really into my wife and could read their minds as they were looking at her that day.

With my wife in agreement, I called the super (Jose) and met up with him to discuss our idea. Jose was very much into the idea and quickly got 3 other guys to agree. We set everything up to happen on a weekend and we booked 2 rooms at a hotel close by.

Did not intend on this happening. [m/f]

My wife and I work crazy hours and we sometimes do not have time to cook dinner. We eat out or delivery those days where we are too lazy to make a decent meal.

My wife had just gotten home and I called her to let her know I was on my way home. I told her that I would pick up something for dinner on the way home. As I'm driving my usual route on the highway, all the cars suddenly come to a stop. I'm thinking there must have been an accident or something. I'm one exit away and didn't feel like stopping anywhere to get something after sitting in traffic for 10-15 minutes and not moving. I called one of our local restaurants and ordered some food. I figured I would be home in time to pay for the food, so I didn't even think to call my wife to tell her I ordered for delivery.

The accident must have been a bad one because none of the cars were moving. Emergency vehicles kept speeding by but not me. I was stuck. I spaced out and forgot about the food.

Stripping for us.

My wife and I are having fun. More fun than posting pics. We both love the great comments and feedback, but there's something missing. She has had some good times with a new co worker named Anthony. I met up with him one day and he seems cool. He assured me that he doesn't intend on stealing her away from me, and he can tell that she wants me more than any other guy.

Anthony even tried to hook me up with some female friends of his, but I really just like seeing my wife have her fun.

Anthony was hanging out after work this week. He got out before my wife did, so he met me at our place. We were having some drinks along with a friend of mine. My friend has seen pics of my wife before. It was mostly by accident, when I was flipping through my pictures on my phone and I innocently forgot to hide her pics like I normally do. He never asked any questions, neither does he know about Anthony and her.

Post Halloween fun [m/f/m]

My wife had an encounter with one of her coworkers, Anthony, and has been close friends with him ever since. They never hooked up after the first time, but have been more like close friends. Anthony knows that I knew about their encounter. I was fine with it and I trust my wife.

Anthony invited my wife over to his apartment for a Halloween party. He has split custody of his son, and couldn't celebrate it with him on Halloween, so he decided to have a party for him with some other kids. Some other people from their job were going so she decided to go.

She got to his apartment and people were already there. When the door opened, she said that she noticed that the adults were dressed up as well as the kids. She didn't think to go dressed in a costume since it was the day after. She told Anthony that she felt bad and she wanted to leave. Anthony grabbed her hand and took her into his room and closed the door. She told him that he must be crazy to think she's going to do something with all those people close by in another room. He said no, that he was going to try to get her a costume.

Wife getting to know her co worker. [m/f]

My wife and I have posted pics on a few subreddits, but then she makes me take them down because she's worried that she will be discovered. We both also get a little bored with the repetitiveness of the pictures we take, mostly because we don't want to show too much.

She recently started a new job and loves it there. She would tell me how friendly her co workers are she's made several friends. She told me recently that a couple of guys are a little too friendly. Nothing out of line, but they always ask if they can hang out after work for some drinks. She always shuts them down saying that she is married and it wouldn't be right.

I can tell that she is interested though by the way she describes them to me. I asked her to describe the guys just so I can size them up. She said that one guy (Anthony) is a black guy with a big beard, tall and muscular. She mentioned that he works out a lot because he always shows her his pictures on Instagram. There's another guy (George) that is black, tall, and muscular. The other guy is married so she said that he doesn't test her as much. I told her to go out and hang out if she feels comfortable. But don't do anything that would make her feel uncomfortable, especially since she works with these guys.

My wife giving in to a dare. [m/m/f]

My wife and I used to work together and have the same friends. She has since gotten a new job, and I still work at the same place. My job consists of mostly men, and hormones run high at times. I remember before my wife and I started dating that guys used to try so hard to fuck her. I used to hear stories about one guy that she actually did date for a short period of time. I would hear that the guy would take her to closed off areas at work and make out with her and that she sucked his dick. She admitted to the innocent kissing, but never any sort of sexual acts. She even said that she stopped talking to him because he tried to take it further.

I have close relationships with other guys at work that know my wife. We normally have them over to hang out every other weekend when we don't have plans. I thought it would be a good idea to have them over now since my wife and I have been more open sexually. I told her that they might bring their girlfriends over this time. My wife got upset and said that she didn't want any other women there. She said that she wanted all of the attention.

Wife’s flirtation leads to more [m/f/f]

My wife was starting to get paranoid that people are noticing her from my posts on Reddit. She actually wanted me to delete her pictures. Even though she loves to read the positive comments, she started to notice her male co workers acting strange.

She would tell me all the time that they would flirt with her, but I saw it as normal adult conversation. They would ask her if she knew how to suck dick, asking for "advice" on how to get their SO to do certain sexual acts. She would just ignore the comments or say that it's private and move on.

Now she says that they're making comments about her tits, saying that they would pay to see her topless and ask her to send them pictures of her so they can jerk off to it. They ask her to go out for drinks and "see what happens from there".

Taking advantage of my wife’s acceptance [m/f/m]

My wife and I have been more open sexually lately and I have been taking advantage of her opening up more. She has gotten to explore so far having oral sex with a couple of friends as well as being fucked by a friend and myself.

This time I told her to test the waters and see how bad strangers want her. I posted some pics of her and it got some good reviews. She loves the comments but wouldn't go as far as meeting up with someone or doing anything with them. More so because she's afraid of STDs. I don't blame her and share the same feelings.

We had gone out before to clubs, but I don't dance. She went out on her own or with other friends onto the dance floor to dance and have a good time. Guys have approached her to dance and some got a little fresh. She would come back to me telling me that she could feel their dicks getting hard or that they tried to feel on her tits. One guy even asked her to go out to his car for a quickie.