One of the duties of my job is to film and edit various projects that we have going on at work. I am currently filming everyone at my job as an introduction video. I requested that my boss do the intro and outdo for it. After having to wait for her to touch up her makeup and hair, we got ready to film.
I have always had a good relationship with our boss. I say “our” because my wife and I work together, and she is over both of us. I have always thought she was attractive and I have even mentioned her name when my wife and I talk about having threesomes, but that is as far as it had ever gone. A few months back, boss and I were texting back and forth about something and there was a long pause in the text conversation. When she finally replied back, she apologized and said that her husband had asked who she was talking to this late. She responded that it was me. He looked at her and stated that maybe he should watch the two of us more closely, because something seemed to be up. I thought it was funny and told her this and she agreed. Boss then tells me that she told her husband to relax, that she, my wife, and I weren’t having any threesomes, at least not yet. This comment caught me unprepared and I went silent. She finally replied that maybe that was a bit TMI for me and apologized for it. I told her to please not apologize and that she just had no clue. The conversation then changed to something else.