[FM] When my wife took control and I liked it

This is one of the best nights we’ve shared and one of the few times she’s taken control in bed. For the record my wife is very attractive (amazingly so to me) and shy. Not to get into detail about what we look like you can see the profile for that.

Well this happened in January of this year. We where in the Costa de Sol area of Spain on a family vacation and we’d spent the day walking on the beach and exploring the resort we were lodging at. Though later that night the vacation would take a very welcomed erotic detour compliments of the wife.

After dinner and wine we were sitting in front of the television on the small love sectional slightly buzzed and finishing of the last of a nice bottle wine I’d gotten from an Italian restaurant up the street. The TV was just back ground noise as we made light conversation about the days events, when I accidentally spilled a little of my wine. As I moved to clean up my mess I heard my wife say ” Looks like my plan is starting to work”.