[Group] SoftSwing….Close but no Cigar…

Was in a conversation that reminded me of this. Nothing crazy….but it still bums me out to this day.

Setting: A 3 Couple “date night” All watching a movie at a friends house, who has a Barn, with a big loft. They have converted it to a Projection room with couches etc. But it’s still a barn…..with no heat. So…we 3 couples are all bundles up with blankets. My wife has been teasing my junk under the blankets the whole movie, and I’ve been returning the favor.

The movie finishes, and it’s near pitch black, expect for the light of the credits. It’s late….My wife and I start to kiss, and things progress to a little more heavy, but we’re keeping it somewhat under control. I look around…and all the other couples are doing the same thing! Im stoked! I just go with the flow, and pushing things a a little further, while staying under the blankets.

This goes on for several minutes. All of us making out, and clearing doing dirty things under the blankets. Suddenly, some IDIOT says ” well, we should probably call it a night……..”

Want to PUNCH that guy to this day!

Fun with Wife [MF][Pegging]

Posted this over in r/straightpegging
But thought I’d see how it did over here.

Photos…..If Interested

Bit of Pegging

My wife and I are cuddling in the bed with the fan pointed on us…I love to feel her smooth legs, especially when she’s scantily dressed. You can caress them from top to bottom. We’re both dead tired, and sweating….but we can’t sleep. So we just talk for probably 30-40 mins. Nothing of consequence.

Things very slowly progress to some kissing….then passionate making out. We work our way to full on sex….her on top, facing me. We’re both about 3 seconds away from cumming, when she stops.
She says she doesn’t wanna cum yet. So……I suggest ” wanna go take a cool shower…” she agrees, breathless, almost desperate……She comes close, and exhales in my ear saying ” will you eat me ass?” again….desperate…..( eating her ass, being basically giving her oral sex to everything down there, including the hole itself…..its fine when things are clean haha )
We jump up, and head to the shower….but she wants to leave the lights off. Gotta find everything by feel. Im down with that.