The time I (18F) almost got caught fucking in a movie theater [MF]

Some of my most shocking sex stories took place when I was a young, wild thing exploring the newly introduced world of sex and willing to try anything, anywhere. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a wild thing, but I have a lot more to lose now than I had then, so I haven’t had a night like this since I that time I fucked that stranger raw (whicy I mentioned in my last post – thanks for all the love and encouragement xoxo) Anyhow, here we go. Get straight to the goodies by following the stars (*****)

I was dating this guy at the time, but it suffices to say that he was trash so we “took a break” while I figured out what I wanted. During this break, I messed around with another guy who had a huge and beautiful dick that I reeeeally wanted to sit on. But I was being prude and feeling like I didn’t want to “increase my body count,” so I ended up just letting him finger me a few times. I was missing dick badly by the time my ex reached out to me asking if we could meet and talk.

How my (21F) year- long entanglement started [MF]

So before I delve into the story of my nasty first fuck with this stranger who was not my boyfriend, let me give you some context as to how I ended up in this messy situation. If you want to skip to the action, follow the stars (*****).

So after graduating college two years ago, I moved to a city 2 hours away to start working. Despite my hesitations about the distance, me and bf of two-ish years decided to stay together and made plans visit each other every other weekend. But adulthood is hard as fuck and busy as fuck, so I didn’t get to see him nearly as much as I’d hoped.

I was incredibly stressed out during this transition into life as a full-time teacher/student/independent adult and I was in dire need of some distraction (read as: dick) and comfort. Me and my bf were in a celibate relationship because of his religious beliefs, so even the few times we visited each other weren’t giving me the kind of distraction I needed. I don’t mention this to excuse my actions, just to let you know where I was coming from.