Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned [MF][Virgin/First Time][DemonxHuman][Long]

“Do you want answers, palomita?”

He was temptation incarnate. He was exactly what you had been warned about from the earliest days of Catholic nursery school to the Compline prayer from a few hours earlier. You had been trained for this, prepared for years and yet you couldn’t pull your eyes away from the devilishly attractive man that had appeared before you. He had come in your dreams first, promising you that he could answer the questions that you craved answers to. And your ever curious mind was always wondering about things that, as you had been told, were not appropriate of a woman of devout faith.

Questions of biology and science that went beyond the simplistic explanation that God had just made it so. What was evolution and how did it work? Why, if humans came to be only thousands of years ago, were scientists finding things from hundreds of thousands of years ago? Did God make all the planets and were they occupied with people just as Earth was? Your faith in the Lord never wavered, but your extreme thirst for knowledge was putting you at your wits end. And then he came to you in the middle of the night after you had snuck to the library.