[M] How to approach women who grew up in conservative environment

I’m a bit concerned cuz i have seen few incidents on how violent women react to love proposal & i like a girl in singing club i am worried how she may react

I tried few dating apps(6-7) no one uses them here in my town(people use dating apps mostly in metropolitan cities because they are far from parents/relatives doing a job & people in cities are a bit modern)


In my school my best friend used to put a big bar chocolate in her crush bag for few days then one day he put both chocolate & letter then got surrounded by her & her friends then one girl pushed him down & warned him for few minutes & also verbally said some nasty things (he is top 3 muscular guy in our class won many wrestling matches he could have taken them all down but gentlemen never hurts women)

Case -2:
Other friend had a crush one a girl one year younger than him. We like idiots forced him to confess his feelings to her. He confessed to her in front of us “he said: i like you & i want to be spend most of my time with you ” she said: i am not interested, then we went to our class