Selling My Virginity (fm, descriptive, long)

The train rattles left and right on the old traintrack. My legs are cold in my short skirt and putting my bag on them is doing nothing to conserve body heat.
I knew it was a bad idea the minute I booked it. But it was too much money to pass up and who else was gonna pay my rent. I dropped out of college last year.

My parents supported me then but when I turned 20 this year they cut me off. I needed to find my own way they said.

Well now I am. The intercom says the train will be arriving at the station shortly. From there the hotel is a 20 minute ride on one of the public bikes. This trip is costly but the money I’m selling my virginity for will cover it.

Don’t ask me how I got the idea. I just did and it hasn’t seemed like a bad one until now. Of course I’ve had sex before. I lost my virginity the day after my 19th birthday. It was uneventful. Worse than what people tell you. I honestly don’t get what the big hype about sex is. He came, I didn’t. We never had sex again after that, just did other stuff until we broke up 6 months later.

Selling My Virginity (fm, long, descriptive)

The train rattles left and right on the old traintrack. My legs are cold in my short skirt and putting my bag on them is doing nothing to conserve body heat.
I knew it was a bad idea the minute I booked it. But it was too much money to pass up and who else was gonna pay my rent. I dropped out of college last year. M parents supported me then but when I turned 20 this year they cut me off. I needed to find my own way they said.

Well now I am. The intercom says the train will be arriving at the station shortly. From there the hotel is a 20 minute ride with one of the public bikes. This trip is costing me but the money I’m selling my virginity for will cover it.

Don’t ask me how I got the idea. I just did and it hasn’t let me down so far. Of course I’ve had sex before. I lost my virginity the day after my 19th birthday. It was uneventful. Worse than what people tell you. I honestly don’t get what the big hype about sex is. He came, I didn’t, naturally. I didn’t have sex again after that. We just did other stuff until we broke up 6 months later.

Two Girls, One Pillow (ff, descriptive, short and sweet)

Her mouth was warm and inviting. Her tongue was soft and needy. I hold her face to mine, taking control of the kiss. She moans in my mouth almost wimpering.

The movie blares in the background. But we don’t care. The popcorn is cold. But we’re not hungry for that.

The couch is small so we hug each other tightly, fighting for flesh to touch and caress. I’m almost ontop of her. We’ve never gone this far before. Our first times. Our chests press together, our erect nipples making contact through our thin shirts. She lifts her shirt up, exposing her beautiful breasts to me. I kiss the circumference of them and circle her nipples with my tongue. Her body is clean and fresh. Her nipples are sensitive. Her cheeks flush dangerously red and her legs squirm.

I suck on them nervously, hoping she is enjoying it. Her head falls back, as a small moan jumps out. I come up to kiss her neck slowly and teasingly.

“You taste so good…” I moan in her ear, licking her neck, twisting her nipple between my fingers.

Student Assistant (fm)

She glanced at the hall again. The light in the bathroom was still on.

She tried to focus her attention on the tv in front of her, now blaring ads for a new air fryer. She heard movement again. Her eyes darted back in the same direction, waiting for him. She needed to distract herself.
She glanced at the clock. Quarter past nine. She should be in her dorm. Fast asleep. Maybe dozing off at least.

The creak from the floorboards indicated he was coming back down the hall. She held her breath and hugged her knees to her chest.
He appeared around the corner, acknowledging her again with his boyish smile which made her heart melt every time. She smiled back at him, letting the grip of her arms around her legs relax.

“Do you want some coffee?” He asked politely with his low voice.

I’m On His Side (fm, cheating)

I’m On His Side (fm, descriptive, cheating)

I walked into their house. Unannounced, like I was used to. I dropped my bag at the little table by the door. Now that I was inside, I could hear voices. Loud and strained. They’ve fought before of course. Like all brothers did. But this was not like other times.
Then I heard something smash. A chair? A window? I bolted upstairs. I made it to my boyfriends room. Books were scattered all over the floor and his desk had been flipped over with all his belongings on it. When they saw me they paused. From where they were standing I couldn’t tell who flipped the table.

The air was thick with tension and they were standing close to one another as if they were about to fight. I asked what was going on and no one answered me. No words were spoken as my boyfriend took my hand and led me downstairs and back out of the house. I looked back at his older brother, who was left in the middle of the mess they had created. We got in the car and he started driving. As we drove, I asked him what had happened. He said nothing. I asked him who flipped the table. He said he didn’t want to talk about it.
We pulled up to a car park that was nowhere. He and I remained in the car. He had calmed down slightly and was just looking out the window.

Scissoring My BestFriend (ff, desciptive)

[Pt 1]( Pt 2

We never spoke about what had happened that evening. We didn’t need to. We just continued as best friends. Sometimes we held hands or cuddled on the couch. But that was all.

I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I’ve thought about it every day since. Just last night, I wanted to call her. I was so wet. I wanted her badly. But I couldn’t. I wasn’t sure how she felt. I wanted to see her naked. Take in her beautiful body. Taste every part of if. It kept me up all night. Her moans, her nipples, the way she looked when she came. It was all too much. I would give anything to see it again.
Without realizing it my thighs had been rubbing together. My underwear was damp. My throat was dry. I wasted no time at all. Within a few minutes, I was vigorously rubbing my pearl. I felt waves of pleasure wash over me whenever I thought of her. I imagined her as the one rubbing me. I squealed, feeling my orgasm coming. I wanted to taste her heavy breasts and her hard nipples. I wanted to taste her wet cunt and lick her until she came on my face. I slid in a finger and started pumping myself hard.

Cumming With My Bestfriend (ff, masturbation, descriptive)

Pt 1

I remember when we were both fourteen. It was two weeks into summer and had just finished our first year of high school. We had all these plans to meet boys and go to parties. Neither of these happened, I’m sure you can imagine.

I was at her house. My best friends. After we had eaten we had snuck down into her basement with her new phone. We wanted to test it out. We put on music on full volume and danced around. We watched nail painting tutorials and took turns taking pictures of each other walking around like we were on a runway. Very “preteen girls” of us. But this us were it got interesting.

She had suggested we do some google searches. Random things. We somehow went from the lyrics to “Single Ladies” to sex. The sex search led us to a porn website. Our eyes went wide as we scrolled through close-ups and compilations. One video was of a girl touching herself, all sorts of otherworldly noises escaping her. She stripped as the video went on, showing us all of her curves and crevices. She on the verge of “finishing” as she kept moaning. Her voice became higher and movements more rapid. At that point, she shut off the phone. Saying that she would get in so much trouble if she were caught. I agreed. But I could have never told her then that I wanted to continue watching. That was enjoying it and that it was captivating.

Alaric & Elena (CNC/FM) P1

It was about eleven pm when I went downstairs. Everyone was asleep I thought. I tiptoed down the stairs to the kitchen. When I turned my head I saw him at the counter and I jumped. “Alaric…you scared me” I whispered. He looked tired sitting at the kitchen island with three empty beer bottles and one full one to his lips.
“Sorry, sorry” He mumbled taking a swig. “It’s okay. What are you doing anyway?” I say walking toward the cabinets. I grab the smallest glass I could find to fill with water.
He didn’t answer me for a while and all you could hear was the ticking of the clock in the living room. “I, uh, can’t sleep” He said quite sheepishly. The faucet gushed to life as I filled my glass. I look at the bottles lazily placed all over the counter. He notices and I feel bad for judging. I clear my throat. “Maybe you should talk to Jenna about it?” I whisper. “About what?” He snaps at me and takes another swig. I’m clutching my glass to my chest.

the boyfriend (CNC / FM)

I think it was a Tuesday. I was spending the day with him at his house. It was fun for the most part. Dancing, singing, cooking together. Coupley things.
I was eighteen at the time and he was twenty-three. Thinking about it now it wasn’t that big of an age difference. And it was legal. We had only been dating for about three months. Back then I thought that meant love. I was obviously very wrong and very delusional. We hadn’t said “I love you” to each other yet. But I had a feeling it was going to be soon.

We were sitting on his couch, watching a movie on his tv. I was sitting with my knees to my chest wearing a white lacey dress. It was his favourite. He had his hand around my shoulders and was sitting close to me with his legs propped up on the coffee table. His hand that rested on my shoulder kept me warm and played with my blonde hair. “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he pecked my cheek. He kissed my jaw and smelled my hair like he always did. He loved my hair.