I was her summer subletter. Here’s how she became my cumslut sub. Part III (Final). [MF] [MFM] [Long]

I don’t want to bore you with the typical preamble, so I’ll try to be brief:

1. It’s really recommended you check out the preceding parts ([Part One](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8pyb8f/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became/), [Part Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qkfkd/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became/)), as this is not your typical single encounter story, but rather one that unfolded over the course of a whole summer, two years ago. Moreover, it relies pretty heavily on development and detail, as it encompasses more than just one or two explosive sexual encounters.

2. Everything is strictly true, though things like dialogue and certain specifics (where I placed my hand when, etc.) are obviously approximated. (They help me get back into it and hopefully make a better read for you.)

3. Thanks for reading if you’ve been with me since part one! I know it’s been a lot of words. This one is especially lengthy, as it’ll be the last of my chronicles of the summer I spent with Lauren. Anyway, without further ado…


I was her summer subletter. Here’s how she became my cumslut sub. Part II. [MF] [Long]

I intended to recount the whole of this story in a single post, but my tendency to sort of savor the details got the better of me. As it seems like a decently sized handful of you were into either my story, my style, or both, I thought I’d drop part two. (I’ve had a ton of fun writing this all out and reliving it, by the way — it’s something I’ve been wanting to share with an audience for a while, so it’s really exciting to finally air it all out.)

Here’s [part one](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8pyb8f/i_was_her_summer_subletter_heres_how_she_became/). It’s honestly *highly* recommended you check it out prior to reading part two, as this thing heavily relies on buildup and the accumulation of details. If you stick with me all the way, I promise you won’t be disappointed. All the establishing details are in part one, but still, a little synopsis: two years ago I sublet a room for the summer, sharing an apartment with Lauren, a recent college grad whose boyfriend and roommate had gone cross-country for work, and whose other roommate had crossed the Atlantic for some European backpacking, etc. After a month of an utterly polite, innocent roommate relationship between Lauren and I, things began to simmer somewhat. One night in the middle of July, we cracked, and things got quite interesting — and unexpectedly rough.

I was her summer subletter. Here’s how she became my cumslut sub. [MF] [Long]

With warm weather and blue skies finally and truly here, I thought I’d relay an account of something that happened two summers ago. I’ve had a few memorable romps over the years (I’m 27), but nothing quite like this—nothing as intense, surprising, electric, and emotionally charged (the lady involved had a serious boyfriend at the time). And I thought it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to write it all out so it stays intact as a delicious, detail-rich memory. No embellishments in what follows, other than some “dialogue” and approximations (where I put my hand when, etc.) which are obviously not reproduced exactly as they happened below. Read on if you’re looking for a realistic retelling that doesn’t skimp on detail.

So—late May 2016. My lease ends at the end of the month, and I’m beginning grad school in another state in September, so I’m really just looking for a limited engagement type thing to cover my living situation through summer. My craigslist search was sort of a mess, and too many of the posts gave off too sketchy a vibe (as it would be my last summer in a city that I loved, I was really angling for a nice, quiet, and clean apartment in an okay-to-decent part of town).