[The events I’m about to describe happened close to the NYE from 2018 to 2019, so naturally I don’t recall every word, expression, and detail exactly as it happened. I’ll try to stay faithful to it, but I’ll have to resort to my memory for it, so bear with me please! I’ll also use fake names for everyone – I hope they don’t throw you off though, I found them funny. Also, this is my first time posting here, though I’ve lurked around in non-alt accounts, so hello everybody!]
Donald and Daisy had been dating for a while – probably a year or so – when we got close to that New Year’s Eve. Their relationship had always been eventful. Troublesome would be a better word for it. Most of the people in our group knew that they regularly butted heads, but neither of the two opened up much about when, why, and how that happened. We also didn’t pry. Both are laid-back, always have a joke on the tip of their tongues. Judging by how they behaved around the rest of us, you would never guess that if they ever got together something about their relationship would never click, yet they got together, and insisted for a year on staying that way. They broke up and got back probably three times during their “run”. By the time you’re reading this story, each of them is going their own way.