[M/M] The time I got caught wanking in the woods

I’ve been asked to share a couple of stories that I have here, so here’s one of them.
I don’t think will come as much of a surprise to many of us here, but when I went through puberty (around 18, late bloomer here), my horny levels went through the roof. I needed to jerk my cock multiple times during the day, and I was way too shy to find a boyfriend to do it for me/do it for him. On a couple of occasions, I was nearly caught in the act, and I decided that I needed a safe space for me to jack off without anyone around. I thought long and hard (pun unintended) of where I could go, and I decided that the woods at the top of my road would be perfect. Who was going to interrupt me there? A rabbit?

So the woods became my new jack off place,; and boy, was a lot of cum shot there. I would stand under the same tree (an large Oak, if you were wondering), take off all my clothes and stroke my cock for hours on end until I couldn’t anymore, jizzing on the trees like it was sap coming from the bark. This became my routine every Tuesday, for about three weeks.

[M]y boss wanked me o[f]f in the shower at work tonight, Part V: Francesca’s Edition

Chris, you really need to make your passwords a lot more secure than this ;)
Hi, I’m Francesca. This is my first time writing up something like this, so if it’s not very good I’m sorry. I’ve seen what Chris has posted here since Sunday night, and to be honest, it really gets me going; I didn’t realise how good he was at writing. Chris said that some of you had suggested that I write one of these for you and make some sort of Q & A, so here it is. I’m not 100% sure about putting photos of myself on the internet, so for a visual reference of myself you will have to make do with [this girl who looks 95% like me.](http://m.imgur.com/5hGOV4j?r)
After Chris and I had posted Part 3 of these recollections on Tuesday, I went back to my office and read through the previous two. I closed the blinds, and hiked my dress up a bit so I could play with my pussy. It wasn’t long before I was cumming in my chair, and I Snapchatted Chris the aftermath. He asked me when he could taste me, and I told him ‘5 minutes’.

[M]y boss wanked me o[f]f in the showers at work tonight, Part IV

After the craziness of Sunday night and Monday, my Tuesday seemed to have fallen a little flat. That was, until Francesca caught me doing something she wasn’t expecting.
After my morning shower at work, I got dressed into my blazer and pants, tied my tie and sat at my desk. As my colleagues filtered into the office, we ended up being one member of staff short. Francesca. With no general manager to oversee us, Dennis designated himself with Francesca’s role, and we started the working day as usual.

9.30 am rolled by, and Francesca still hadn’t turned up. Had she gone to see a client and not tell anyone? If she had, that would have been out of character for her (although, who was I to judge what Francesca’s character was?) Office rules dictate that phones are to remain on silent, unless it was work-related, and Dennis was being particular anal about keeping up this rule. The small piece of power he had gained had gone completely to his head; it was a wonder he hadn’t self-combusted with delight.

[M]y boss wanked me o[f]f in the shower at work tonight

I need to share this somewhere, and this is my favourite guilty pleasure sub to lurk on.
So I’ve worked at this company for about three years now, but it is only since February of this year that I’ve been under the stewardship of Francesca. We talked briefly towards the end of last year, but it was only on professional terms.

Let me describe herself and I. Francesca is in her mid-40’s, 5″5, brown shoulder length hair and a petite frame. I am 24, 5″9, short brown hair and an athletic build. We are both single, although she ended her marriage over Christmas. There hadn’t been much chemistry between us to tell you the truth. I mean, there might have been a bit of flirting on her part, but I put that down to her being a free woman, rather than any attraction coming from me.

The last two weeks, the boiler in my house hasn’t been producing hot water for the shower, so I have resorted to using work’s showers in the mornings before starting work, rather than pay for a gym membership.