At Our Old Stomping Grounds [MF]

My on again, off again girlfriend and I shared mutual stomping grounds in a state park not far from her old college and where I worked at for two seasons.  We have been together there twice now, but this trip was more chill by design and allowed for more conversations.  It was also a weird combination of feelings with her knowing areas better than me and I knowing other areas better than her, but all of it being the same area.  If that makes sense. 

The first night I took her to an old restaurant.  I did work for that owner on and off, so they hooked us up for dinner and joined us.  Right as the owner sat down she says, “Yeah, I’ve been here?”

With a hushed shocked tone I reply, “With another man!?”  When the stupid jokes ended we ordered and enjoyed our meal.  My owner friend eventually asked her specifically when was her last time there. He asked probably to be noisy and probably to brag about all the improvements he has made since then.  She put on that coy face that always implies that she was a naughty girl.  Her reply had well chosen words.  The owner of the place picked up on this and started talking about Lynn.  I rolled my eyes all, ‘come the fuck on man.’  I looked to my girl and in that second she knew I had fucked this girl.  After another couple of hours of drinks on the patio we were on our way back to the cabin.

Burned Out In College [MF]

Back in my late college days I was good friends with a 6’1” skinny blonde chick.  By chick I mean young woman.  She was in her mid-twenties and a non-traditional student like me.  We both weren’t much into the party scene and we really didn’t have many social connections, due to our work schedules.  We met intentionally every other weekend to blow off steam by going for a jog, tennis (we were horrible), some nature hike, or out for a drink.  

She had a boyfriend that she been dating for fourish some years up to that point.  Since we were good boys and girls at that time we cared about doing right for each other, so no hanky panky was ever on the table.  Now don’t get me wrong, we were both overworked and under sexed college students, so there were times we looked each other in the eye with the same same indecent thoughts.

Ok, we WERE cool for about a year, but we did eventually have our own things.  The night I’m telling you about was the first of a few encounters between us.  

My Neighbor Shows Herself Off [MF]

Friday night turned out to be more interesting than I thought thanks to my neighbor. She’s in her mid-twenties skinny with small breast and hips. Probably stands 5’5″. She been living with her boyfriend next door for a couple years now. We’re not overly social with each other. We say hi when we bump into each other and share some friendly words. I give them some pies around the holidays and extra produce from my garden. That’s about it.

Two months ago they got themselves a new puppy. They often let the doggo out to play with mine when they see my dog in the yard. 9 times out of 10 its just her while her boyfriend is off somewhere or staying in the house. During this night I had gotten home late from work and let the little doggo out. I stood there on the back porch just staring into the night figuring out what to do with myself. It was late and pretty dark with the overcast. Out comes her puppy running at mine and then they stared their excited fight chase thing they do. I step off my porch and lean forward to get a view of my neighbors porch from around corner of my house. Seeing her standing on the porch I give a witless, “Good evening.”