20 years and still as electric as ever [MF]

Those who haven’t read my first story please view my profile to read it. Maria is an old GF from 20+ years ago 

So it had been some time since Maria and I had caught up. We had spoken on the phone a couple of times but it’s been nearly 18 months since we met face to face. She invited to her place
I arrived and received a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. As we sat on her lounge and started to catch up I couldn’t help noticing her large tits in the jumper she was wearing.  Her tight leggings were wrapped around her legs as she slid her leg under the other and her knees were parted. 
We spoke for at least an hour about what has been going on. A lot has been happening in her life. She seems to be getting herself back together. Which is good. She has had a hard time as of late. But there is now some positivity. 

20 years later and it’s still electric [MF]

I had a very strong emotional and sexual relationship with my school sweetheart. We will call her Maria. Being teens we experimented on what made us feel good which led to everything except penetration at the time. We dated on and off for years and even when we broke up our chemistry always led us back together.
As we left high school our relationship had stopped and we went our separate ways.
She was always in the back of my mind over the years.

I have never been one for social media however needed to create one for a side job. As you do… You look up old friends and found her. Now Maria didn’t have much on FB but a few pics .. I browsed this every so often and eventually one day I gathered the courage to contact her . We spoke for nearly 2 hours and it was like we didn’t have 20 years of seperate lives between us.
She had gone through some hard times but was getting herself back together.

The App, The Chat and Wild Night in explicit detail [MF] – Story 1

Long time reader and the first time I am contributing. I am not a writer and I apologise upfront for my grammar

This is the first story of many that I have.

Sexy stuff happens at the *********

I have many stories during a period of my life for about 5 – 8 years when I was very into dating apps and travelled frequently for my job. All my stories are true and to the best of my recollection. I don’t embellish and will keep everything as precise as possible.

About me – I was late thirties and was extremely fit. Large chest, arms and was proud of the way my body looked. I come from a Mediterranean background, olive skin and black hair. Not bragging but didn’t and still don’t have issues with the opposite sex.

I met Sammie online through a dating app. She was a single mom and 25. I was 37 at the time. She was stunning and that was the only way I could describe her. She was a brunette with beautiful blue eyes and just the cutest smile. Her body was also amazing which would put all these Insta models to shame. Size D boobs, long legs and an arse to die for.