Only in our dreams [M/F]

It started simply enough. Eye contact for a little too long. Sexy jokes. That intoxicating smirk he had. Blushing, just a shade too dark to be purely platonic.

Then one day he came over looking for my husband who was, thankfully, at an appointment with the baby. Who knew when they would be back, but I invited him to wait. After all, we were friends too.

At first we sat on opposite ends of the couch, playing Battlefield and talking shit like we always did. He teased me about losing by default for being a woman. “In your dreams,” I shot back. I’m not sure either of us knows when exactly it happened, but next thing we knew our thighs were practically touching. I could feel the heat radiating off his leg.

I felt myself flush at the realization and bit my lip, hoping he didn’t notice. Why did he have to wear such tight shirts? It was like he wanted me to look. And I did. Every time. Jail had been good to him. Nothing else to do but exercise, I guess. I had missed him though.

I[m]pulsive quickie in his [f]ront seat

Ben and I had been planning on getting together and hanging out for months. Just as friends, we had never been anything more than that, despite the intriguing circumstances in which we met. He wasn’t the best looking guy in the world. In fact, he was a little chubby and awkward. He wore glasses that reminded me of a librarian. But he was sweet and one of my closest friends.

The whole week we texted back and forth about going to catch a movie and playing some Magic or going up to the Paintball arena. It was supposed to be great. He left his house, about three hours away at about 10AM on Saturday. Around noon was when I got the phone call. My dad was never a man of many words. After I answered he just said “Gram’s gone.” and that was that. A few more sentences of me asking if he was okay and him pretending to be and then making excuses about having to call everyone before hanging up. I almost forgot Ben was coming until he texted me again. I had been frozen on my porch steps since getting off the phone with my dad, but smiled through the tears when I saw that he said he was in town.

How I [f]inally fucked my long time crush

I met Kyle when I was 13 and he was 17. From the beginning I had a crazy crush on him. My heart would flutter when I saw him or, on a lucky day, if his hand brushed against mine. I thought I his it well. I didn’t. Obviously nothing happened when I was 13. We kept hanging out throughout my high school years though. The whole time I dropped hints that I wanted to sleep with him. All our mutual friends knew. You could cut the sexual tension between us with a knife. It was a running joke that when the clock struck midnight on my 18th birthday we’d already be in bed together. Of course I, being the stubborn type that I am, tried to weasel my way into his pants more than a few times before that.