Domestic service [F21/M30s, F21/F40s] [workplace violence, degradation, coercion, rape]

It was the winter and I somehow got bronchitis and pneumonia at the same time and lost my job. For weeks I was unable to leave my apartment and even getting out of bed was difficult. I used the last of my money to pay the back rent, and then I became officially homeless.

It’s a funny thing about homeless people in my city that you very rarely see anybody who’s under 25 or even 30. The homeless I saw every day were either middle aged or downright elderly. I used to think it was because young people could go home to their parents, or at least didn’t mind going home to their parents. As for me, I was 21 at the time and couldn’t go to my parents’ house because they had moved overseas.

I had no rosy illusions about being homeless, and reality hit me even harder than I had prepared myself for. My few possessions were largely stolen by the second day, including my sketchbook. I could understand stealing a pillow, but what anybody would want with my sketchbook was beyond me.

Esther’s story, Part 1 [F22/F30] [Humiliation]

It was on the first day of July when Jasmine, the new housekeeper, arrived.

She was supposed to be 19, a second year student at the local college, but she looked 30 at the least. I had never seen anybody like her before except in pictures. Her figure was certainly stunning. She looked like Jayne Mansfield before she went to the wall. She smelled like cigarettes and a whole garden of flowers.

I was certain Mrs. B would not have hired her had she actually seen what Jasmine looked like. Mrs. B liked them young, as in young and naive, young and stupid, young and easily taken advantage of. And to put it plainly Jasmine looked like she knew how to take care of herself and anybody else too.

No sooner had she walked in the door that she embraced me and kissed me as if we were lovers meeting for the first time after a long absence. This was not my way of greeting people, especially strangers. I could feel her big boobs mashed against my chest. It was impossible for me to actually return her embrace, so I settled for a passive acceptance of her gushing enthusiasm.