[MFf] “Disappearance at Bear Lake: Vol. 01” [BDSM]


**Chapter One:** “*On the Record*”**


What follows is a partial transcript, taken from an interview conducted with Mrs. Summers. It was recorded during the production of a reality television-show, called *The Day I Nearly Died*. Regrettably, the episode in question was finished just prior to the show’s cancelation. Subsequently, it never aired.

The final edit of the episode is available online, however — for those diligent and tech-savy enough to find it. It’s not terribly remarkable and certainly does not convey the whole truth of Betty Summers’s harrowing story. Nothing noteworthy to this investigation made it into that final edit of the episode [#3.4: “A Disappearance at Bear Lake”], except for the sole mention of Mrs. Summers “seeing a strange hunter walking amongst the trees one night”.

Despite many attempts, portions of the original preliminary interview with Mrs. Summers were not obtained by the author. Other sections of her account were redacted by the producers of *The Day I Nearly Died* and will likely never see the light on day.


> Transcribed from an audio-cassette, labeled: “Prep. Mrs. Summers #1 [Side A]”. It was provided to the author by the The Day I Nearly Died’s editor in chief, Jerry T. Crumb: