Rekindling an old flame (pt. 2) (MF) (Oral)

This (obviously) is part two. It won’t make much sense plot-wise without reading part one, but will still be fun.


I strode forward, set the glass on the coffee table, and easily slid one knee onto the couch beside him. I put my hands on his shoulders and swung my other leg over him until I straddled his lap on my knees, my breasts just under his chin and my eyes conveying to him what I was after.

For a moment the world held still, the noise from the television died away, and we held our breath. Then his hands reached out. Slowly at first, as if he couldn’t quite believe he was doing it, then quickly. One hand gripped my thigh tightly and the other moved around to my back and he pulled me into him even as he sat forward to meet me. His lips crashed into mine with the intensity of years of built up tension. I slid my hand into his hair at the back of his head, unable to resist pressing him tighter to me.

Rekindling an old flame (MF) (slow) (masturbation)

Part 1, more to come.


“I had a dream of you last night.”

    I watched the text cursor blink a few times, then hit send.

    The blue chat bubble popped up on my screen and my stomach did a little flip. I hadn’t talked to Trey in years. We’d circled around each other in high school, making nervous, awkward conversations until we’d exchanged emails and started chatting online. He was a goof, and so was I. We grew used to each other online, and it made us more bold in person. Slowly we became friends. With the buffer of our computers between us we’d started exploring with each other, as young people do, but that was as far as we went. I knew the way he thought about me, but I just wasn’t ready to have a physical relationship, and there was no way he wouldn’t want one from me eventually. So after a while we drifted away from our explorations and our friendship settled back into platonomy. Every so often I caught him looking at me with those eyes, but he wouldn’t push on me what I didn’t want.