My [20] [F] boyfriend [27] [M] also has another girlfriend [23] [F].

This is a situation I never thought I would see myself in I guess. We’ve been dating for a little over a year and a half and for the first 6ish months I did not know about the other girl, but she knew about me the whole time. They have been together for about 4 years and met in college. I met him on Tinder.

He told me (it wasn’t me finding out) and I was pretty upset, obviously, and I told him I needed some time to think about all of this. When he told me, he had phrased it in a way that he wanted to continue the relationship, but with me and his other girlfriend (her name is Natalie and my name is Katie if that makes it easier) both knowing about each other and receiving equal attention.

We took a break for a few weeks, and even though it was super weird situation, I still found myself missing him. Honestly I guess I didn’t consider it cheating as much since he told me instead of me finding out if that makes sense. I called him and we had a long talk and I decided to give it a try.

Updated on me [F] cheating on my boyfriend

Not sure if this is stupid or not that I’m doing an update but I guess I don’t really have anyone else to tell.

I posted like a week ago on here about how I cheated on my boyfriend with two of his friends, and after talking about it with some people on here, I met with them over the weekend and told them I wanted to tell my boyfriend. They did not take it very well and said they did not want to do that, and that if I did, they would deny it and said he wouldn’t believe me. I’d like to believe that my boyfriend would believe me over them, but there are two of them and those three have been friends for a very long time.

I love him and don’t want to hurt him so maybe it’s the right thing to do not telling him. They told me it was a mistake and that it would be better to just not talk about it again and that I shouldn’t bring it up.

So that’s it. I just wanted to say where I was at and if anyone else had some advice or whatever.

I [F] cheated on my boyfriend with two of his friends

Hi, so yeah I feel bad about this but here it is. It happened about 3 weeks ago, right before the end of school. Just to get some things out of the way: Tyler and Matt had been friends with my (Maddie) boyfriend (Nick) since freshman year when they were roommates. Matt and I went to the same high school so we had been dating since junior year. We’re all 21 now. I had hung out with the three of them a ton of times and everything was cool so I don’t know why this time was different but it obviously was.

The three of them were going to a few bars around campus and Nick asked me earlier in the week if I wanted to go. I wasn’t doing anything with my friends that day so I said sure. Unfortunately, when it started getting closer to Friday (the day we were going out), Nick started getting kind of sick (not COVID) and said he didn’t think he should go but that I should if I still wanted to. Like I said before, I knew these two pretty well so I didn’t really have a problem hanging out with them, even though this would be the first time I had hung out with them outside of like doing homework or something without my boyfriend being there.