Vegas sex club – My {28F} experience as a sex slave

after reading the story posted on reddit ( i felt compelled to share my own experience at this club. this happened a little over a year ago.

in a nutshell, i agreed to have sex with a group of men in front of a huge audience at a vegas sex club. like the other girl said in her story, parts of it was amazing. having 3 and 4 guys give you a sensual massage and take turns licking my pussy and bring me to orgasm was out of this world like a dream. while many parts were just complete domination and raw and powerful sex that took me through a myriad of emotions and left me physically ravaged. my body was used beyond what i was capable of handling but i walked away with over $78000.

the show the other girl did that i linked to above was an opening show and they are more tame and a mini-version of what happened with m. i was the girl who did the ending show of the night. i was the main "attraction" so to speak. not because i'm the hottest girl out there. but because i was desperate enough to say yes. willing enough to have the sex they wanted. and pretty enough to fit the mold of what the audience paid to see. for reference i'm brunette, 5'6", 125 lbs with 34B boobs.

[MF HJ/oral] Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part VI – Wingmen and Wantonness

We took a cab to the pub a half hour early. I asked Kat about being “fashionably late,” but she explained that it was only a good idea to do that if you don’t like the guy very much. And I had to admit, I liked Chris. He was a good person, and might be my ticket back to my own life if his “contacts” panned out.
“Quit messing with your dress,” Kat warned me as we walked down the steps to the entrance.
“I can’t help it, it feels like it’s gonna ride up every step I take.”
“Jesus, you’d think you never wore a tight skirt before! Your ass will hold it down. Look, there’s Diana. Let’s go.”
I had to admit, the way my dress clung to my hips made it seem unlikely that it would hike up too far. It was a backless number in an almost-burgundy red color, with just enough of a gap in the front to show off some cleavage. It was somewhere between “classy” and “slutty”, and I could feel people staring.
Katlyn wasn’t much better, clad in a strapless blue dress. Her skirt was a little longer than mine, because according to her “The main attraction gets to show more leg”. She’d even switched to flats after it had become obvious I would never be able to walk in heels. To be honest, Kat was already the best wingman I’d ever had, and my date wasn’t even there yet.
Diana had claimed a corner booth for us through some sort of Amazonian magic, possibly owing to the fact that her biceps were nicer than the bouncer’s. Cindy joined us soon after, all smiles and excitement, and Katlyn made the necessary introductions.
“Now listen,” she said, staring at us seriously. “Shawna is new to hetero dating. Our goal tonight is to evaluate the Viking and determine whether he deserves to be her first boyfriend. It’s a sacred duty. He’s bringing friends, and if we ladies have to jump on an uggo grenade to get the job done, I expect each of you to step up. I ask nothing of you that I would not do myself.”
Diana smirked, nodding toward the door. “I don’t expect that to be much of a problem,” she said.
Chris had just walked in, flanked by three other men. As much as I hated to give in to my new body’s ideals, I had to admit: they were gorgeous. Clean-shaved, chiseled chins, nice hair, and varying degrees of buff. Shawn Milner would have fit in nicely with this crowd. Maybe after this was all over I’d have to look these guys up.
Chris scanned the room, squinting while his eyes adjusted to the darkened room. His gaze finally fell on me, and a smile spread across his whole face.
I waved hello and he led his friends over. “Shawna,” he said, still smiling. “Ladies. This is Adam, Jake, and Ben.”
Katlyn took over and made the necessary introductions, scooting Diana and Cindy to the edge of the booth. It was a half-circle, and her move had placed me in the center, with Chris on my left. Adding his friends to the bench left us just enough room to maybe slide a menu between our thighs if we’d wanted to.
I found I didn’t particularly want to. One waitress and drink order later, and we were chatting amiably, although mostly about Chris and his life, thanks to Katlyn’s rather pointed questions.
We learned a lot in a very short time. Chris was about the same age I was, and he worked in communications at a large downtown business. He had a degree, no pets, and liked to unwind by running long distances or playing team-based video games. He had no allergies, and felt that the question of whether he wanted a family was one he should discuss with his partner before answering.
“Kat,” I said, cutting her off before she could get too personal, “maybe someone else should say something, too. Like you, for instance. What do you do, anyway?”
Kat grinned. “Journalism, if you can believe it.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. That’s pretty believable.”

Lucas. (long!) [f]

A bit of back story here, and it will be long. Anyone who takes offense to what can certainly be classified as “cheating” behavior, turn away now; I will ignore any attempts to judge me or my character.

I am an incredibly firm person in my “real life,” that is – the life I maintain outside of my bedroom. Therefore, I imagine the reactions of folks finding out that I like to be submissive in bed with great joy. I still like to play the games of fighting for dominance in the bedroom, but only in the interest of getting my partner so ready to fuck my brains out that they can no longer hold back. This is not to say I want to be ridden hard and put away wet every time I have sex, but I do get a deeper thrill from it. Every once in a while, though, I like to take control and do whatever I can to make my partner cum first.

The Movie Theater (M/F)

Hi guys I'm back! Sorry for the absence. Anyway check my history for my other stories and a little about me!

This story happened with a guy I was seeing during the beginning of my freshman year of college. I had just broken up with my high school boyfriend a month ago due to us going to separate colleges far away from each other. We had a going away marathon of fucking (another story for another day) let's just say we used the periodic table of sex positions to our advantage.

So I was feeling a little lonely and kind of lost.

I lived in a 3 person dorm room with 2 other girls Mindy and Taylor, both were freshman soccer players like me so we got along pretty well. One night we all decide to head to one of the frat houses for a party. That's where I met him… The most beautiful guy I've ever seen, he must've been 6" tall 200 lbs not an ounce of fat on him. He notices me gawking him and gives me a smile. I got all embarrassed and hid behind Taylor for a moment. When I peak around Taylor I see him walking towards me…

Anal in the hot tub.

The first time he fucked my ass in the hot tub was an incredible experience.

I remember the cool night air against my face, the water bubbling all around us. He was in his spot, as sexy as ever, his electric eyes drawing me in. He was already naked.

I moved through the hot water, straddling him between my legs. We kissed, and I felt him harden and rise. My pussy started throbbing. I ached for him. He moved my bikini bottom to the side in the expert way he has and began guiding his thick cock into my pussy. I rode him, his hands on my hips, mine in his hair, our lips and tongues exploring the other's. I rode him until I came.

In one effortless movement, he lifted me off of him. He moved me away and raised himself out of the water, his perfect cock tempting me. I couldn't resist. I leaned down and took him into my mouth, still able to taste myself on him. I went all the way down, as far as I could go, but it wasn't enough. It never is. He pressed against the back of my throat and there were inches left. No matter how I struggled and choked, I couldn't take him. I gave up and focused on pleasing him. He moaned as I ran my tongue from his balls to the tip of his cock, sucking, swirling, licking while I stroked him with my hand. He held my hair out of the way so he could watch. I tasted him.

Fucking a homeless chick

So I went to a casino with a lesbian couple. They went and played roulette or some other complicated table game. I didn't want to do that, so I went to the video poker bar; easy game, free drinks.

There was one other person there, a woman about my age with a nice body but the face of an itinerate turnip farmer. She was nursing a Heineken and sloooowly playing what must have been her last dollar.

I sensed an opportunity, so I moved next to her. We chatted a little bit. She admitted she was out of cash. I suggested we go outside to a bench by the valet stand and cuddle and kiss a little. She was down- yay!

After a lot of kissing and just generally being affectionate, I said we should take a cab to my house. My friends would need my car to get home; they'd had enough foresight to get my keys when we separated LOL.

So, at my house, first she ate everything I had: a couple of eggs, an onion, and a potato. She fried all of this up into something. Then, she took a shower. It was around this time that it occurred to me that homegirl's housing situation might not be entirely settled. Also, her purse was roughly the size of an oil drum, and full of miscellaneous crap.

Update 2.1: Tying up the Innocent Girl [m/f]

First off, this is pretty long. Second, this is only part 1 of 2. I hate it when people do that, but it's late and this is as far as I got today.

As I wrote last week, I recently ran into a girl I'd dated in grad school, and we reconnected hard. The chemistry was insane and the sex was like riding a bike.

I was out of town on a business trip through Friday, but had plans to meet up with Caitlin on Saturday night (my flight came in late). We texted all week, and I was reminded of one of her best/worst qualities: her text style. We'll be volleying back and forth, multiple texts a minute, and then… nothing. For eight hours. I'm not sure if she's purposely playing mind games, but she'd pull this shit all the time when we were dating. While it's insanely annoying, it works so well for keeping her in my head all day. Every time my phone goes off, I'm checking it thinking it's her. Kinda pathetic but that's just how this girl gets to me.

The Forbidden Fruit – [mf]

This is my first erotica post ever, constructive criticism welcome :) ** **edit, I apologize for the mistakes and poor formatting. Just wanted to get the story out while it was fresh in my mind.

It's not the first time she's been here, but today is different. It is the first time she gets to spend the night. They have been keeping this secret for a few months now. A few months since their eyes met, a few months of wanting to know more about each other, a few months of wanting more of each other. And to him a few months of agonizing self control.

Her father, his boss, had made it clear that she is far too young and naive and he would much rather they remain friends. Rob wanted so much to honor the code. So they did, they went to dinner as friends, went to the movies and friends, went to the concert friends. He just happened to be the friend that rubbed the inside of her thighs during a movie, feeling up higher and higher, only to stop because this was forbidden.

Categorized as Erotica

Summertime is [F]or New [F]riends, Pt. 1

Names and locations changed, of course. As I wasn't an eye witness to these earlier parts, this is more of an appetizer to make you feel the same way I did at the time of these events. Thanks for reading.

I was spending the summer at home, studying for my boards and working. My girlfriend at the time had taken a short-term job in the city. We'd see each other about every other week. Usually I would go and visit her. Let's face it, spending time in a suburb pales in comparison to what the city can offer. I'd describe us as a typical, early 20s couple. I'm John, I have dark hair, blue eyes, and a good body from spending most of my life playing sports (though with less frequently given the demands of school). She's Caroline, a lithesome brunette with a stunningly beautiful smile and hazel eyes — and an ass to die for. That's my biggest weakness.

On one of the weekends that I was staying in town, Caroline was out with friends. I was up late, watching a movie, having one too many cups of coffee during the day. I was hoping to hear from her before I went to bed. It was around 2:00am when I received a few texts messages. To this day, they are burned in my memory — though unfortunately this was before I had a smart phone.

[m/f] The Inferno

So, this is a story I wrote for my old blog (no longer active) that was heavily inspired by real life events. Whatever described here all happened, but it being a story, the writing style isn't quite normal. For that I apologize. And I hope at least some of you will get some degree of pleasure out of it.

It all started with a rogue gaze. Who’d ever think that I’d be thrown to hell over and over because of that one gaze…

He had died. My friend, your lover. At that time, death was all too common for my part, but even I shed a tear or two at the burial. He was a nice guy, and he shouldn’t have been taken. When I gave you that one hug, I was honest. I wanted to take over your pain so that you wouldn’t suffer. However, it was all in vain. The harder I pressed you into me, the more you cried, and in the end, I had no more weight on my shoulders than what I had to start with. Shame really, as I’d have loved to take away your pain. I’m accustomed to suffering. You weren’t.