The time I [F]ucked [M]y Neighbor

Last week was awfully stressful for everyone I know, but hubby kept teasing me all Thursday and during the day on Friday. I was all set to get fucked on Friday night, but when we went to bed, he was all, "God I'm tired, we can have a quickie if you want."

"A quickie" to him means he eats me out for five minutes, flips around so I suck his dick until he grunts and I'm supposed to get on top and fuck until he cums. In other words, really bad sex for me, a quick cum for him. But I hadn't had it in so long, I agree, figuring if it's good, I can keep him going.

Sure enough, he starts licking down my body and mauling at my tits. He gets my panties off and starts in on me. I'm barely wet, but he is a good pussy eater, so I start to warm up. Just then, though, he starts that shifting around that means I'm supposed to suck his tiny cock now. I oblige and he stops licking me almost instantly, just occasionally jabbing a finger in my cunt and rubbing his thumb across my asshole.

My first time writing an erotic story. I had some time at work. “Going to your Ex’s Party” [reluc]

Tina was feeling nervous. The party was in less than an hour and she still wasn’t sure she should be going. It had been a few years now since she’d seen a few of her old friends that would be there. Mick, her boyfriend of two years, was also coming and it would be the first time most of her old friends had met him. Sandy would be there and this made Tina most nervous. They hadn’t been together for so long, they’d seen each other a few times since and it was always polite but still awkward. Sandy had been seeing Sally for even longer than she had been seeing Mick but somehow there was still a tension between them. She glanced at Mick in the background of her mirror and laughed as he nearly fell over pulling on a sock. At least she looked good. She hadn’t dressed up in a while so she went all out. A little strapless black dress, heels, push up bra, red lipstick, heavy eyeliner and she’d curled her hair. She’d gained a little weight recently so she filled out the dress more than she had a few years ago. She’d lost a lot of weight after her break-up. She couldn’t help but feel she was dressing exactly as Sandy had liked her to. She remembered how easy Sandy had been able to manipulate her and wondered if he still had some sort of influence on her. She shrugged to herself, then went downstairs and necked a glass of wine to try and settle her nerves.

Blowjob for a taxi fare m/f

Something on tv reminded me of a thing that happened quite a few years ago, I was probably about 22 then.

I had been out drinking with a few friends, had a good night and we had separated leaving for home. I was walking through the town centre making my way to the taxi rank when I saw a girl coming in my direction. She was pretty, slim, about 20 (maybe younger), heels, short skirt, nice breasts, she had her arms crossed and was looking at the ground as she walked.

As we were about to pass each other she looked up at me and we caught each others eyes, she stopped and seemed to want to say something. I waited, trying to look friendly and open to help if she needed. She told me she had lost her friends and had no money for a taxi home and asked if I was going in same direction as her. Unfortunately I was not, my place was in the opposite direction of hers. I apologised and said I would have helped if I could.

I’m a 42 year-old virgin [M] who regularly hosts and watches a young couple [21m/19f] have sex.

(I posted this a year ago and then quickly deleted it. Feeling brave enough to repost now. I will write a follow up if there's interest.)

This isn't your usual sexy tale, but I thought if anyone would appreciate it, it would be you guys! Totally odd, totally true.

About me: I'm a 42 y/o heterosexual single man, living on my own. I'm well kept, have a good job, and most people would have no idea I'm still a virgin. (In before Steve Carrell jokes.) It just never happened for me and for the most part I'm comfortable and happy living on my own.

Sometimes as part of my masturbation routine I'll browse Casual Encounters on craigslist, mostly just to see the pictures. This time I saw an interesting post right at the top of the page: it was a young couple (him 21, her 19) asking for an older man (age: 40-45) to provide a safe place for them to have sex and who could watch them.

Uninvited guest [bd] [ reluc] [Mf]

Anna was so excited for the surprise she had planned for mike. Fresh out the shower her toned body was now waxed shaved and polished to perfection. She felt extremely sexy as she pranced around the room completely naked. Her alabaster skin dried quickly as she dried her long golden locks the way he liked, so it was somewhere half between curls and waves. The only thing she wore was the perfectly applied make up with a dark red lipstick, she loved the marks it would leave on his cock. She wanted to do something special for him and she had put a lot of effort into it. She wanted to indulge his fantasy, he had always wanted her completely at his mercy, to do with as he pleased and she was finally ready to give him that. She had ordered some presents for him, she layer them out ready, a gag, set of restraints and a silky blindfold, she placed it on and it wasn't as uncomfortable as she thought it might be, she lifted it to rest on her forehead as she continued to set everything up,the restraint fitted onto the bed and left a cuff at each corner of the bed, she could feel the excitement mounting too, the wetness between her legs was noticeable, she giggled to he self as she allowed one finger to glide from her hole to over her raised clit, it was so wet, her tongue licked the moisture from her finger, tasting herself she bit her lip, every nerve in her body was sensitive, he would be home any moment, so she wanted to be ready, she decided on the complete submission and set about putting herself into the restraints, she lay in the centre of the bed, stretching out one leg and securing it, then the other,her petite frame spread eagle over the bed, it felt so good and yet she was so vulnerable, a thrill she hadn't experienced before. She was giving him the control she normally insisted was hers. Flashes of the things they had done it this room flooded back to her , he fucked her against that wall after an argument, he'd made love to her on this bed last week, it was so beautiful she had resisted the tears that her body created. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought the neighbours would hear, although out into the country her neighbours were miles away. She lifted her arms above her head and secured her left hand, if he tickled her like this there would be hell to pay but she hoped he would be far too distracted to even think of something so cruel, she placed the blindfold over her eyes and set about securing the final cuff, it was difficult which was why she left her preferred hand struggle, it finally was done and she pulled against all the restraints to test them, they held her perfectly in place, she hear the door and a squeal escaped her lips, the moisture between her legs was dripping and the nerves were gone, his footsteps coming up the stairs were quiet but deafening. And amused sound escaped him as his eyes caught sight of her, she could feel him coming into the room and sitting on the bed , his fingertips touched her foot and delicately danced up her body to her hip, she wanted him to touch her pussy, he kissed her hard and passionately, on the mouth and she moaned, he had said that blindfold in her and reducing her senses would intensify the feeling and now she realised he was right. She told him and she heard another amused sound, except she had heard that sound before but never from Mike. A slight panic fluttered across her mind only to float away as she felt his tongue lightly nudging her nipples, his teeth gently tugged at her hard nipples, her whole body squirmed with delight, his presence moved away, as he lifted her head she realised he had found the gag she put out for him to use. He placed it on with expert precision. It didn't hurt but it would certainly restrict her movement, she remembered her confusion when she saw the metal circle until a quick search on her laptop showed her exactly how it would be used. Her mouth was his too. His kisses were fluttering down her naked body, around her belly button and then they stopped, he must have been moving because she felt it on the bed, gently his tongue flicked against her clit and she cried out in pleasure although it was muted. His tongue lapped at her pussy like a puppy drinking water, he changed between this and the rhythmic torture of her clit. The sensation was amazing, he had never done it like this before and it was divine. Between the circles he made around her clit, so perfectly close, he ran his tongue a circuit to her hole, which tightened every time he did. The sensation was perfect. He was pushing all the right buttons, and he knew it he body was tensing, she was pulling against the restraints, her orgasm was rising from her toes, but he pulled his tongue away. Her disappointment was obvious. But she was quickly as his tongue was replaced by his hard cock. He pushed against her tight little hole, her moans entwined with his as he entered her, her pleasure was short lived as something was off, the feeling was heavenly but his cock was big, bigger than mike, she tried to pull against the restraints but to no avail, she realised that he had not spoken since he came into the room. His voice suddenly soothed her, she knew the voice, how could she not, he was her best friend, they had come so close to this over the last few years, before mike. She couldn't stop him and she didn't know if she wanted to, he was filling her and she lived it, her excitement was tightening around him, they orgasmed together, he gently peeled back the blindfold and kissed her again, softly this time, he removed the gag but she didn't say anything, he removed the smuged lipstick from her mouth and lovingly reapplied it and smoothes her hair, he held a finger to his lips in a motion for silence, he replaced the blindfold as mike entered the front door. Mike entered the room unaware of the previous guest. His audible excitement flattering but her heart was pounding for a different reason now, she didn't want to get caught how could she say that his surprise had been taken before him.

Sexy Scrabble: part 3 [f] [mast] [orgasm]

I am sitting in my old red Honda Civic in the parking lot of my school. Gahhh! Normally, I would be excited to leave my piece of shit car and make my way to the school’s courtyard to gossip with my friends before dreaded school started. But this Monday morning, I am dreading seeing Ethan. I know he’ll be there in the courtyard…with my best friends/his girlfriend Rachel.

I hit my head back against my car’s headrest. Why does life have to be so complicated? After I cummed all over Ethan’s basement floor and the haze of lust had cleared my mind, I then realized I had just tried to fuck my best friend’s boyfriend. In a blushing red panic I had grabbed my purse and ran out of his house, forgetting that there was even a scrabble game to finish.

That was Saturday, and we still haven’t spoken about it yet.

Do I tell Rachel? Should he tell Rachel? Or should we pretend this never happened? With a sigh I exit my car; I can’t avoid my friends forever.

I make my way over to the courtyard, and I see Rachel give me a huge grin. Great…she still has no idea.

Foot Fetish Secret.

One time while staying with my male cousin he let me sleep in his female room mate’s bedroom. I didn't know her at all. Strange to be in a random persons room. Laying there I couldn’t just fall asleep. And wondering about if she was attractive or not got me all worked up. But I didn’t have a good place to “aim” if you know what I mean. So I got this amazing idea. I got up and looked around the room. On top of the dresser I found some. A thick pair of wool socks. I just knew she had worn them in winter boots or something really warm and sweaty. Knowing there was little chance of this backfiring and tracing back to me, I unraveled them and stuck one around myself. They were so soft and fluffy. With this being risky and me finding it quite hot to be in a strange girl’s pair of socks, it didn’t take long for me to finish.

I’m glad to say that one night, she is gonna warm her cold feet with those socks, and when she does, her toes will be in my cum.

The Good Girl [M/F]

[Names and superfluous events tweaked in the interest of anonymity]

I know this story is a lot longer than most here, and I thought about cutting it down. But to tell the truth our entire encounter was meant to be slow and teasing, so I have kept our story of it the same.

I knew from the first time we talked I was into her. She was young, pale, and skinny with long red hair and gorgeous blue eyes behind a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, beautiful legs and perky breasts, if there was ever a "Sexy Librarian" look, she was the embodiment of it. She was at the end of her teens, I was at the end of my twenties. We talked for hours on the phone the same day we met, going over everything from relationships, to fears, to desires. She wanted to make sure we were as compatible sexually as we were mentally before she wasted any time.

[M] [Story] [Light Encounter] Comedy Club Performance – and a little “Winning the Title” afterwards. 2 3-minute preformances

OK – I don't know that I can keep up with these stories.

I'm a late 40's geek with a great sense of humor. I signed up for a 3-minute amateur comedy bit, and actually killed. I've been doing "funny stuff" for quite some time. This is a low key club in a nice hotel that performs every week, starting with a few amateurs.

So afterwards, the folks there are pretty supportive and i got some compliments, and invited to sit at a table. This is where I met Sarah. Sarah matched me in looks. Average, but good for our age. People gradually split.

I'm thinking of my wife and how she won't come to these things – "too tired", "too busy", and our not-so-good sex life.

Sarah asked if i wanted another drink – she paid because I won the nightly amateur beginners routine against some pretty stage-fright folks. I got a little hard, and said something to the effect that "that's a great start to get to know each other".

The night of [f]ive ruined orgasms (Part 1)

(I posted this on my fetlife, but I think there's just too many stories there for it to get read, so I'll try here instead. :3)

The day before yesterday, I met with a play partner of mine who had been showing some interest in my particular fetish, and I decided to show him what it was all about. I don't think he knew what he was getting into.

I got him to lie down, naked, on my bed, and tied his hands to each of the four corners of the bed posts – it took him about three seconds after he had his clothes off to get rock hard, and I warned him that he was going to stay that way for a while.

After he was nice and secure, I started off by putting my panty covered pussy about two inches from his face – at the time I was wearing bright blue panties that had soaked through from excitement. My pussy was just out of his reach, but it didn't stop him from taking in my scent and moaning.