How I became fuck-buddies with my violin teacher [FM]

Not too long ago my Mom suggested I start playing the violin to become more “well-rounded”. I nearly laughed out loud when she first said it. I have about as much interest in learning an instrument as I do in watching paint dry. Nevertheless, my mother is stubborn and persistent. She would constantly coax me into it. After more arguments than I’d like to admit, I finally caved in and agreed.

Before I continue I should give you a little background information. Recently – for whatever reason – I have been pretty hot and bothered. I started to look at boys in a different way than I used to. I found myself wanting something from them that I didn’t even know they had to offer. The other day in the shower I tried rubbing my clit for the first time and it felt so good. I can’t believe I’ve gone all these years without ever trying that. I’d watched porn before, so I had an idea of what I should be doing but I’d never actually had an orgasm despite my attempts.