Going to Hell. An afterlife story.

There are three states of existence the physical plane where you are. Then there’s heaven and hell.

Heaven is full of love and the exceptence of God. Hell on the other hand well things get a bit more interesting. You may have heard of Hat man or shadow people. These are beings that can jump between planes of existence. I’m one of these beings.

A man in life every time I walk into Hell it’s sets my souls assention back an eternity. But hay this is the afterlife and I have plenty of time. There all here the vein, narcissistic, controlling and down right sick Demonic hordes but I’m not interested in them we have some fresh meat on the road through Hell.

I see her on the dark road disevled and in disbelief. If I don’t pounce on her quickly the Demons will be picking the flesh off of her bones as they break her will and hope.

Categorized as Erotica

My wife and her friends part 3

A few weeks go by I can’t say I couldn’t use a break. My wife wouldn’t even mention what happened and I wasn’t pushing it at first. I as her why we don’t see her friends? Or why they don’t come over?

She finally admits to me that us messing around like that gives her pleasure but it disgust her at the same time. That part of her want’s to put a stop to it but then she can’t help but watch and now she can’t bring herself to sleep with me.

I try to tell her that I didn’t have sex with them and I didn’t do anything behind her back. She can’t avoid it much longer Mona has been calling her non stop. Genny and Cindy gave up a little while ago. One day Mona calls and she is outside I pick up. She ask me what’s going on I tell her. Mona says dam we where just having fun. I say I know as we say good bye.

Dark Lord and Queen of the Sith (Star Wars)

Emperor Palpatine and Kilo Ren are dead and so the Resistance thinks it crushed the First Order. Little did they know Palpatine was training a new successor to become the new Lord of the Sith to either die or challenge Kilo Ren. Left on Dagobah with only his lightsaber expected to survive until the Emperor sent for him. Kadius was the name given to him by the Emperor.

His past in the depths of Coruscant  among the street gangs. That planet like his birth name was left far behind once Emperor Palpatine and his men found him. Kadius could feel the loss of the Emperor all the way across the galaxy. Using the force to reach out to what was left of the First Order soon he was picked up. With no leadership and with what remained Kadius took control.

While meditating on what to do next Kadius sensed her one powerful with the force still not one with the light or dark side of the force if he could get to her first and seduce her to the dark side. He can see her sound asleep, supple and tight from the hot desert planet of Tatooine in the city of Mos Eisley her name Tia. Kadius can almost touch her as he pulls back her tunic slowly revealing her breast. Suddenly she grabs the tunic and pulls it back. She looks at him and somehow she breaks the connection.

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My wife and her friends part 2

Soon everyone had to go home. Genny and Cindy are both married and they both giggled about this being so much more fun than being with their husbands. I don’t know if they were just being nice or not.

On the way home my wife doesn’t say a word. We go to the bedroom. She hands me a blanket and pillow and says you had enough fun tonight. I go to sleep on the couch my cock feeling like it had been through a grinder Mona was a little rough but dam it felt good.

I get up the next day and go to work. I find it hard to get the previous days events out of my head.

Getting home that evening I can hear Genny laughing in my kitchen. I go in there and she laughs even harder she says speak of the devil. Mona, Cindy, Genny and my wife sitting around the table. My wife says where you’re ears ringing we where talking about you. Cindy gives a sassy hip sway and says more like we where talking about your cock.

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My wife and her friends

My wife Rita set up a date to get together with her friends that we both know. My name’s Eric and I had completely forgotten about it and had no idea that I would be the only guy there. 

You have Genny the scout leader older with a distinctive laugh. Mona my wife’s best friend from back in school wheelchair bound with enormous tits. Cindy is a friend from Church she’s chatty with a definite evil side she may be able to outdo Mona in a big tit contest. 

As a big tit guy there’s definitely a lot to stare at. No need for alcohol with this group around. 

We settle down in the living room. Being the only guy there I quickly became the center of attention. Especially once they realize I can’t keep my eyes off of Cindy’s and Mona’s breasts. My wife teases me saying dam you can’t keep your eyes off their tits. Cindy says he sure can’t as she shakes her tits. My eyes almost subconsciously follow them back and forth almost against my will. 

Cold Hard Winter [M30/F25]

Winter came suddenly with a cold that bites you down to your very sole.

My brother bought a new cabin and was eager for me to stay out there. More like someone to clean it and keep it up.

The sound of wood crackling looses it’s entertainment value fairly quickly as the fire place roars. And the snow fall last night took away any sense of adventure in me.

While looking out a window I see a shape off in the distance. I think who could it be out in this? I can see it’s a person out in this cold they probably won’t last long. I open the door and call out to them.

I can clearly see it’s a woman in not much winter gear. I run out not taking time to put on my own. The grip of winter grabs me immediately frostbite and shaking as I reach her she can barely move.

I grab her and get back into the cabin under the covers next to the fire. She’s still alive as both of our bodies are cold to the bone we can’t stop shivering.

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My co-worker is Ultra MAGA. [M40’S4F40’S][office][work][political][voyeur]

We all have that one person and in our life the one who just won’t let it go that even though you have tried to reason with them it’s just no use. The one who turns on Fox news every chance they get. Or as you find out the hard way something worse it grinds on you every day.

If you looked into my office you would say look at the lucky guy over there sitting in that cubicle space next to that hot lady. But if you stopped looking at her tits for a moment ya I know there nice see all the Trump and MAGA paraphernalia all over her cubicle space. I keep hoping the next scandal changes her mind I’ve been hoping since 2016.

Amy my MAGA coworker looks over at me and says just got an email where working overtime tonight dam Biden. I think is there anything she doesn’t blame on Biden. The office quickly empties out leaving me in MAGA hell. I have to admit Amy has curves in all the right places. Her ass has a nice juicy curve when she leans against her desk.

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[F35/F500/M25][Science Fiction military][Voyeurism] The Final Frontier

After years on a listening output I finally make it to a real starship as the head communications officer serving aboard the bridge. Captain Jane is who I’ll be serving under.

I teleport aboard the ship and meet the Captain she gives me a sly smile as the teleport officer looks like he’s half asleep. I shake her hand and notice her shapely body even through the stuffy uniform. She says communications officer James Monroe good to meet you. I say Captain. She says please call me Katherine. No time to show you around we have a diplomat aboard the Star Union needs there membership but I can’t communicate with her.

We quickly walk down the hall to a storage area turned into an elaborate conference room. Tall and large planets and flowers I’ve never seen before are placed around the room with great care. One wall is a huge pane of glass with stars outside. In the middle is a huge lounging couch like you would see in ancient Rome. Katherine says Ambassador Ferra is hundreds of years old and highly intelligent but I can’t get a word out of her.

The new woman Priest at church part 2 [40s][M/F][Cheating][Church][Straight]

I get out to my car trying to wrap my head around what just happened. My cock more sore then it’s ever been. Claire’s fingernail scratches still leaving a trail of pain down my arms. 

Surprisingly I feel good as I drive home some how I feel accomplished. I did it some how I really did it my fantasies became reality. I’m not as wrapped up with guilt over my infidelity as I thought I would be. 

A few Church members call and ask how I was apparently they bought the sickness story. I told my wife that I didn’t feel well at Church. She doesn’t ask much about it. 

I ware sleeved shirts to cover the nail marks. Reverend Claire is surprisingly silent. And maybe that’s for the best. The I wonder did she enjoy it? Maybe I went too far? Maybe she expected more? I consider calling Claire many times but I stop myself. I guess I’m just going to have to wait till Sunday to find out. 

The new woman Priest at church [40s][M/F][Cheating][Church][Straight]

I go to an Episcopal Church. Having grown up Roman Catholic I’ve always been fascinated by Priest. The people who give up there lives and sexuality for the Church.

Having left the Church for a while I felt an emptiness inside a need to go back. But I didn’t want to go back to the Roman Catholic Church. I was welcomed into the local Episcopal Church. They allow there Priest to get married. My son and wife soon fallowed.

Our Priest left after a short while and a new woman Priest Claire took his place. Her first mass was on Christmas day and I can’t say it was attraction at first sight. But I would notice that she always sat next to me after Church sometimes nervous and giggling. And we would flirt. She would have to restrain herself with my wife there. As time went on I would notice her breast and how cute her ass was. A few times she noticed me starring at her she would smile as I tried to pretend I was looking somewhere else. As my sex life with my wife wound down. Claire would become the center of my masturbation fantasies.