Me and My Best Friend [MF]

She texted me to ask if I was ready for date night. We have known each other for almost 6 years now. Both are in relationships and generally hangout in our group (Our better halves and us). So we came up with a ritual of yearly dates where it was just us and no one else. I told her that I was looking forward to it and will meet her at the dinner place on time.

She was waiting for me at the table when I reached. I have seen her grow from a teenager to this beautiful young woman. I never thought of her in a sexual direction, but I always found her attractive. She was wearing a dark red dress I had admired when she last wore it. She was looking absolutely stunning. I wanted to wander of my thoughts by telling myself that she was my best friend but couldn’t help but notice her curvy body, her dress clinging tightly to it, revealing every curve perfectly. I couldn’t help but gawk at her cleavage that was visible just enough to tease me. Her boyfriend (my friend) was one lucky guy I told myself.