Shelia’s wild night (PART 2)

Shelia stayed kneeling on the bed for a solid minute, recovering from squirting so powerfully just then. After she was ready, the wild night only continued.

Larry: Roll over Shelia.

Shelia: Okay ♥️.

Shelia rolls onto her back, her giant breasts facing Larry. Larry got extremely aroused seeing such beautiful breasts.

Shelia: I want to suck it.

Larry: Suck on what?

Shelia: Your dick, silly ♥️.

Larry (in a playful taunting way): Cmon then Shelia, say it then…

Shelia: I want to suck your dick, Larry.

Larry: You sure? I feel like fucking your breasts would be a better idea but you make the call.

Shelia: I want your dick in my mouth right now and no where else ♥️.

Larry: Ok then.

Larry stuck his giant dick into her mouth where she ferociously began to suck said dick. Larry felt extremely aroused with such an amazing blowjob he was receiving.

Larry: Now, I want you to squeeze it.

Shelia: Kay ♥️.

Shelia grabbed his dick with such force he thought he would cum right there in her mouth. As Larry reached the point of climax, he suddenly pulled away from her mouth.

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The Japanese transfer student Part 1 [F/18] [M/18] [Interracial] [Corruption]

Hanako Kuzuryuu was far from your average Japanese schoolgirl. Possessing a 5’7″ athletic body and quick temper, she was an intimidating figure amongst her classmates who were pretty much all girls since she went to a girls only school. However, her world would flip upside down when her mother was instructed to move to California in the States for work. Hanako initially protested against the move but to no avail. She would be attending Los Angeles High instead of Moteshiro High in her native Japan.

Hanako arrived at Los Angeles High for her first day there the following week and was walking to her first period English class. There, she met Mr. Lewis and her classmates. She instantly became nervous when she noticed the majority of her classmates were African-American males She had heard of these types of people before and had remembered how superior physically compared to Japanese men they were.

Mr. Lewis: This is Hanako Kuzuryuu, a female transfer student from Japan. Please welcome her.

Hanako: H-hi, nice to meet you all. P-please treat me well.

The Japanese Cuck

Yuu was sitting in his room after a long day at school. He was using his phone when he received a text from his girlfriend Hitomi.

Yuu: Hmm, what could this be?

Yuu opened his texts and he saw that Hitomi wanted him to come over. He replied that he would and was on his way to her house. When he arrived, he knocked on the door, but no one answered. He rang the doorbell this time but still no answer. Annoyed, he simply opened the door and walked inside.

Yuu: Hello? Anyone here?

He suddenly heard moaning coming from upstairs. It sounded like it was coming from Hitomi’s room.

Yuu: The hell was that?

Yuu went to Hitomi’s room and opened the door. What he saw inside shocked him to his core.

Yuu: Hitomi?! What are you doing?!

Yuu saw Hitomi and a strange person he had never seen before inside her bed. They had been fucking before Yuu had arrived, meaning she was cheating on him.

Yuu: Who the fuck is this?!

Hitomi: Oh, this man here is Saotome Hodaka.

Yuu: Ok so what the fuck is that Sao-whoever doing with you?