I started an advanced medical practitioner master’s program over the summer. I was 26 when we started in July and recently turned 27. I’d been working up to this for a number of years, and was thrilled to finally begin. When we started, I hadn’t been in a classroom for over four years, so it was a big change and has been quite difficult at times. There are about forty students in my class, most of them my age, but some younger and some older. We’ve got about 60% females and 40% males just to give you an idea of the class environment.
Anyways, the summer term was all review from undergrad, but at a vastly accelerated pace. The weeks flew by with two or three exams per week and all of us hanging on for dear life. Needless to say, as a part of this process, we all found our friend/study groups. I gravitated towards some of the more serious students in the group, a couple other guys and three or four women. We’d work in the cadaver lab together, study for exams together, share study guides, etc.