First Post Here, New Writer! Untitled Story

Below is my first ever posted erotica story! Hopefully it’s just the start, but I’d really appreciate feedback and PM’s letting me know how you liked it. The more detail in your response the more rewarding it is for me and more likely I’ll reply. I’d like to hear from everyone who read it honestly. As you may notice, some pretty niche kinks are involved including a couple twists/things you wouldn’t have expected, which I hope is enjoyed.

Additionally, I’d be interested in roleplaying with people based on this little story, as well with any future pieces I post. It could be directly from the plot, a continuation of it, or an idea that was spurred by the story! If I enjoy the idea, I’d absolutely roleplay it. I am open to many kinks (better discussed in PMs) and roles (I play all genders and enjoy it). So without further ado, here it is – my first erotica story!
