A waterfall to remember [MF]

This is a first attempt at a story, hope it reads well. It happened on a memorable weekend trip a few years ago.

My girlfriend (Annie) and I were going on a short road trip on that particular weekend, intending to spend the night and explore the well known castle ruin and hiking trails. We got up early in the morning and were in a bit of a rush to get the car packed with all the necessary camping stuff, which left little time for our usual weekend morning snuggling routine. As soon as we got on the road Annie decided a nap was required, leaving me to mentally plan the adventures we would have later in the day.

We were driving by a picturesque lake when a series of sharp bends caused Annie to wake up.

“Where are we?”, she said, in the usual post sleep daze. “Just passing the lake”, I said, “Do you want to stop for a bit?”

“Sure, that would be good, do you need a break?”

“Yeah, a stretch would be nice right now”, I replied.