The Text (Pt. 06) [mf, cheating, sexting]

A month had passed since I had come home to work things out with Jason, and so far, so good. We were spending more time together, going out on “dates” again, and the sex was great, although it was slowing down from what it had been during the last couple of weeks of his affair and right when I had come home.  I guess I couldn’t really expect it to be as intense as it was when our emotions were running so high.  The jealousy and possibility of losing one another had really ramped up our sex life, and now that we were falling back into somewhat of a routine, I was sad to see that aspect slipping back into what it once was. 

The Text (Pt. 5) [mf, cheating]

Nerves filled my body as I drove home for the first time in over a week.  Anne had given me Corey’s number when we had gotten home from the bar, and while I had saved it in my phone, I hadn’t yet reached out to him.  I thought back to his touches and kisses and the way we had fucked against the fence.  I had never done anything like that before, and it was freeing.  I didn’t regret it, although I wish Jason hadn’t been witness to it.  It was hard enough for me to imagine him with someone else, I don’t know what it would have done to me to walk in on him with someone else.  I still didn’t know what I wanted.  Jason? Corey? Did Jason and I even have a chance of surviving this?  I just didn’t know.  

I pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath as I walked to the door.  Turning my key in the lock, I pushed the door open and walked in. “Jason?  I’m here,”  I called.  I walked down the hall towards the living room and found Jason sitting on the sofa.  He looked up at me as I walked in, following me with his eyes as I sat on the edge of the recliner.  

The Text (Pt. 04) [mf, cheating]

“So, what’s it gonna be Sam.  You know I love you staying here and all, but you’re going to have to make a decision about Jason.  I know this limbo is killing you.  And I’m getting tired of Jason’s unending texts and calls.  He is freaking out,”  Anne said as she refilled my wine glass.  I had been staying at her place for almost a week.  I hadn’t seen or spoken to Jason the entire time, and he had been doing as I had asked by leaving me alone.  I had received one text from him three days after I had walked out.  I had told him I was with Anne and not to call me.  He hadn’t, but he was blowing up her phone trying to get expert advice from my best friend.  

“I don’t know.  I’m considering my options but can’t decide.  Do I forgive and forget?  I don’t think I can.  I’m still too pissed.  And he works with her, so it’s not like I can ask him to never see or speak to her again, and how could I trust him?  Another option would be to leave him.  Just get a divorce and try to move on.  But I still love him, Annie.  As pissed as I am right now, I still want him. And then there’s the whole question of why the hell I was so turned on by his affair?  I’m still confused about that.”  I sipped my wine and leaned back into the sofa, sighing.

The Text (Pt.03) [mf, cheating]

Hey everyone, hope you are enjoying my series!

Part 1 can be found [here](

Part 2 can be found [here](

And now for part 3…

Jason opened his mouth, but no words came out.  I just stared, my body shaking, and the tears started again.  Embarrassed, I turned and slid the door of the shower open and quickly fumbled out.  I reached for one of the clean towels and wrapped it around my body.  The water turned off behind me, and Jason stepped out, reaching for another towel.

“Sam, I…” He started, then stopped.  I turned back to look at him again, then left the bathroom, heading for the walk-in closet in our bedroom.  As the door swung shut behind me, I unwrapped the towel and began rubbing my body vigorously.  I needed to calm down, and get dressed.  I needed to get out of this house and collect my thoughts.  I towel dried my hair and let the wet towel fall in a pile in the corner of the closet.  As I did, the door opened behind me and Jason entered, a towel around his waist.  

The Text (Pt. 2) [mf, cheating]

Here is the link to part 1 if you missed it!

[The Text (Pt. 1)](

I hungrily scooped up Jason’s phone the second his car left the driveway.  He was heading to the gym, so I had at least an hour to dive into his chats with Rachel again.  It had been almost a week since I had access to his phone, and I was dying to delve into his chat history again.  Last night after Jason had fallen asleep I’d unplugged his phone just enough so that it wouldn’t charge, knowing that he was planning on hitting the gym first thing this morning.  If his phone was dead, he’d leave it here to charge.  I felt a little guilty, but I figured if anyone should feel guilty it should be him, right?

Anyway, I sprawled across the bed, Jason’s phone still plugged in to charge, and found the text message chain between him and Rachel, scrolling back to pick up where I last left off.  Rachel was texting first.

*Hey, Sexy.  Just saw you walk by.  Where are you heading?*

*Out to grab some lunch.  Want me to pick something up for you?*

The Text (Pt.1) (MF, sexting, cheating)

Jason had just gotten into the shower when his phone chimed.  Not once, but three times. I sighed, and laid my book to the side.  Probably his brother, or mom, especially this late in the evening.  I reached for the iphone and tapped in his passcode.  Three new messages.  I clicked on the first one and up popped a photo I instantly recognized as his coworker, Rachel.  In the photo she was all dolled up to go out, her long chestnut hair curled to perfection, makeup that must have taken at least an hour, and a low cut top showing most of her C-cup breasts.  The picture was followed by two more texts, ‘How do I look?’, and, ‘Wish we could go out sometime.’  

My pulse quickened and I glanced at the bathroom door.  The shower was still running.  I looked back at the phone in my hand and realized this wasn’t the first text from Rachel.  The scrolling bar on the right side of the screen was tiny, indicating a long message history.  I quickly scrolled to the beginning and began reading the messages.

My House is Your House (Part 2) [Threesome, cuckquean]


I rolled over in bed, reaching for Jake as the sun peeked through the curtains.  His arms wrapped around me as I nuzzled my face into his neck. “Good morning,” I whispered.  He kissed me and ran his hands down to grab my ass. I could feel his morning wood pressing against my belly.  “Do you smell coffee?”  

“Yep, Alyssa’s probably up already.”  He said, pulling me closer.  

“I am.” Alyssa said, walking into the bedroom carrying a tray with three cups of coffee.  She set the tray down on the bedside table and crawled into bed with us, wearing nothing but a short t-shirt.  She nestled against my back, and I felt her smooth legs intertwining with mine and Jake’s.  

Alyssa had been staying with us for three weeks.  Three unforgettable weeks that I hoped would turn into six, maybe twelve.  I didn’t see myself tiring of our living arrangements anytime soon. We cooked together, cleaned together, shopped together, and fucked Jake together.  While I had fantasized about watching Jake with someone else, I hadn’t been sure I could do it without jealousy until I saw him kiss Alyssa. I enjoyed it, I didn’t feel a touch of jealousy when I saw them touching or kissing.  It still surprised me.

My House is Your House (Part 1) [threesome, cuckquean]

“I can’t wait for Alyssa to get here!” I squealed at my husband, peeking out the window again. My best friend was moving to the area from across the country.  Over the last 10 years, we had only seen each other 5 times. We connected almost daily on Snapchat and Facebook, but it wasn’t the same. She was planning on staying at our house until she found a place of her own, and spending the next month or so hanging out on a daily basis was more than I could ask for.

“Really? I couldn’t tell.” Jake joked.  He was probably tired of hearing me talk about all the fun we would have once Allyssa was here.  We had been planning for months. Actually, we had been planning for years, but while she was going through the divorce we got serious about finding her a job and the funds she would need for the move.

At that moment, Alyssa pulled into the driveway and I ran out to meet her.  Jake followed.

“Rose! I can’t believe I am finally here!” Alyssa cried and she threw her arms around me, waving at Jake over my shoulder.  “Hey handsome!”

Sharing Him for the First Time (fmf)

Kara knew Josh had the hots for one of the women he worked with. She trusted him, knew he would never cheat on her, but she could sense his infatuation with his coworker when he mentioned her name.  It was always casual, some funny story that had happened that day, or a tidbit about her personal life that he had learned. They were friends, and that was fine with Kara. She had met the girl once at an impromptu happy hour with a bunch of her husband’s coworkers.  Her name was Julie. She was cute, sweet, and Kara enjoyed her company as well. She assumed some natural flirting occured at the office, which Kara loved to imagine. Kara had friended her on facebook and poured through her photos. She had tons of friends, and loved to travel and party.  Kara was looking at an album from a trip to Cancun when her husband walked in and dropped his keys on the table.

“Hey babe.  How was your day? Anything exciting at work?” Josh asked her as he loosened his tie and hung his suit jacket up.  She knew he would head straight for the bedroom to change into basketball shorts and an old t-shirt from his college days.