(Part 3 of 3) 32M (me) meets a hot 21F on craigslist

Part 3

Hey guys thanks for hanging in and reading. Here’s the conclusion of my story that started here!

And Part 2 here!

So we drove about 45 min to the concert, talking about all sorts of things but mostly our families and background and stuff we did growing up. Nothing too sexy but it was just fun. Like relationship-building fun. The kind of things you ask someone you are interested in and have the fortune of being stuck in a car with them for awhile!

We made it to the next town and parked the car. She stowed her purse in my trunk and we walked the four or five blocks to the venue (not much parking downtown). Since we had an hour to kill we decided to get some coffee at a local brewhouse since we were both up pretty late the night before (making me cum all over myself). We sat on a bench and continued our conversations until it was time to head to the show. She mentioned her contacts and glasses and bad she needs them at night. She said “Damn, it will be really late heading home from your place tonight, I will probably have to drive slower until I get my new glasses!” She was not wild about late night driving. So I said, “Well why don’t you just stay the night at my place, that way I can drop you off at your car in the morning and you will get more sleep. “ She smiled and said that sounded perfect!

(PART 2) 32M (me) meets a hot 21F on craigslist

Last week I typed up the beginning of my latest craigslist hookup which you can read here.
Here is part 2! By the way, I just realized I didn’t name the girl. I will use Victoria since that is the name she gave herself on CL (not her real name).

After the car BJ/HJ etc., I was somewhat in awe of how things went down that night. Victoria is very hot, very sexual, and willing to meet again the next day! I drove the 30 or minutes home thinking that even if she ditched out tomorrow, at least I had fun tonight.

32M (me) meets a hot 21F on craigslist (100% real)

First post… I’m in my early 30’s and I made a throw just to do this since I don’t need anyone recognizing this story or who I am. I keep my life very compartmentalized. I am a professional who has a very good life but I am single. Therefore I enjoy meeting girls online. I love the chase and live for the real-life meetings and the “hookup” passion. I have had real normal relationships and LTR’s, but for some reason “hooking up” just consumes me at times. Anyway I’m wondering if posting some of these epic sexual experiences I have had might be a bit therapeutic. At any rate, they are 100% real, no need to make shit up, and I hope you enjoy it. This one is the most recent and starts with a craigslist posting I answered last week. The female said she was 22 and that she was “Sexy Intelligent Young Woman Seeking [I don’t remember exactly]” But it was well-written and she said she was only looking for something physical because she has no time for a real relationship. It was about 3 paragraphs, much longer than your typical two sentence “let’s fuck” post. I think that’s why I thought a real person might be behind the keyboard for this one.