[MF] Priestly Duties [1 of ?]

Ah, the privilege of an empty bed. Younger members of the priesthood loved to talk about how they would never be alone and be spreading the will of Erotius at all hours of the day. But at Simon’s age, he understood that nothing could replace the well-deserved rest that came from comfortably sleeping in a bed that was just right for him and him alone. Not that he was that old, just north of forty, but old enough to appreciate the little things.

Speaking of the little things; he’d barely sat up and stretched himself out, his back letting out a few mildly distressing pops and cracks, where there was a polite knock at the door. “Come in,” he called out in his deep baritone, the door opening to reveal Sister Melinsa. She was new to the order, barely nineteen and dressed as a maiden of the Order of Care: bare to the waist, her tear-shaped breasts bouncing perkily with a thin silken skirt dangling from her golden belt. More important to him was the steam rising from the tray she carried and the warm smile on her gorgeous face.

[MF] Roommate Adjustments – A Drink Before Bed [Mind Control][2 of ?]

It was another three weeks before the next program was ready, and they had been rough ones. Cassie remembered what had happened, but Dave was certain that she didn’t know the *why* of what had happened. All she knew was that she’d been horny enough to settle for Dave, and though they never spoke of the event a few beatings by Clarence for made up reasons made her thoughts on the matter clear. It was over, he was not to speak of it, and approaching the subject (or her) ever again would result in a lot worse than a beating.

He took it all, spent his nights with an ice pack over his black eye and fingers moving rapidly over the keyboard. That first night had been a whim, a test run for something he wanted to work but didn’t quite believe really would. Now he had a plan, and a goal. A beautiful, amazing goal. Unfortunately the full realization of it would need to wait until he’d done more testing, and that meant waiting for the right opportunity.

[MF] Roommate Adjustments [Mind Control][1 of ?]

A final tap on the keyboard, and the program was running. Automatically Dave glanced over at the small speaker sitting on the desk beside him. It didn’t seem to be doing anything, the only noise sounding like the very faint hissing from a speaker with no input turned up too high. He cranked up the volume to its max, but it still was no more than a soft whisper. At least that part seemed to be working like it was supposed to, but that didn’t mean anything by itself.

Rising up he poked my head out of his room, looking out into the living room of the small apartment. There was Cassie, his roommate’s girlfriend. Ever since they got together she’d spent more and more time hanging out here, not giving Dave the time of day and eating all their food. Even now she was just lazing on the couch, laying on her back with her phone held up over her head, long blonde hair spilling over the sides. The pose showed off her firm tits in the tight t-shirt she wore, legs for miles shown off by her tiny shorts.

“Hey, Cass,” Dave called out, earning a disgusted sigh in response.

[MF] The Secretary’s Daughter

The warm smell of fresh coffee wafted into his office, as always accompanied by Fiona’s cheerful “Good morning, Mr. Burroughs!” It was such a routine event in the mornings that Derek didn’t even look up from his emails, lifting one hand briefly to acknowledge her arrival. What he didn’t expect was the second, slightly higher pitched voice that followed. “Good morning, sir!”

That made him look up, blinking in confusion at the two people approaching his desk. His secretary Fiona was a given, dressed today in a white blouse that was taut over her quite generous chest and emphasized the hourglass curve of her waist and hips along with the grey pencil skirt that ended just above her knees. Her long blonde hair descended down her back, perfectly made up face smiling gorgeously with bright red lips and neatly shadowed eyes. The other was a little shorter and clearly younger, perhaps no more than eighteen or nineteen, dressed the same with a body that was a slightly scaled down version of the bombshell standing proudly behind her. There was some red in her strawberry-blonde hair, curly and pulled back into a fluffy ponytail, but the face was so close that the resemblance was immediately noticed.