My first sexual encounter (a blowjob) was at a party in front of a [group]

I’ll call myself Will for this story.

About 17 years ago when I was in high school and barely 18, I had an odd group of friends. The bulk of us were the weird anime kids who played in band. I liked anime but not like THEM. I became part of that group because I was on the swim team and another guy who I got along great (I’ll call him Bill) with kind of invited me to hang out with them. This group was about 8 women, 2 other guys, and me. The high ratio of women to men is because most guys avoided this group and went for BFS to bulk up and join the football team.

This was also a VERY small rural town that was super religious. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes was the largest group or clique at the school. I was not religious at all, so the venn diagram of my friend groups was super weird and complicated, and I’m sure a handful of them only hung out with me to convert me. Especially since I dealt with my intense awkwardness via drugs and alcohol.