Drapped in a polka dot sundress and bare feet you entertain a table of empty chairs and porcelain cups. A lavish tea pot steams with earl grey and I can hear the faint whispered conversation you have with your unseen friends. Its sweltering in this room, so much so I began to wonder why you would choose to serve such a hot beverage. Beads of sweat run down my brow to match the ones running down the opening of the low cut dress across your breasts. After languishing in the door surveying the curves of your plump bottom you notice me and beckon me to join. Apparently one of the chairs and cups was set up just for me, yellow tapestry donning a solid metal spoon.
"Come on daddy, we are having a tea party."
"Oh I don't want to intrude. I was enjoying just watching you entertain your guests."
"Don't be silly daddy, most of my guests have left. We almost have the room all to ourselves. You look like you need a drink."