If you don’t like full blown cheating than this is really not the story for you. These next few stories will not make me look good in any way but I think they are some of my hottest memories. This first story is also a lot of set up. Sorry ahead of time for folks that hate that.
I was a cog in the corporate machine in my mid 20s. Recently married to a girl next door type.
I worked in a building that was practically abandoned due to downsizing, but the company couldn’t find a seller. Our sad little division of six was all that was left. I sometimes thought we were kept there just to be semi custodians of the building so we could let facilities know if there was issues.
I had a manager who was pregnant at the time and was on partial leave. She was in some days but rarely very long and usually in the middle of the day. The rest of the staff was older and taking full advantage of us being unsupervised.