Birthday Sex [MF]

Alright, like my name implies, I wrote stories mostly for me to remember. This one isn’t super saucy, but had some great visuals that I want to etch in my brain forever!

My recent birthday fell on a weekend, and also aligned with my wife’s cycle so she was in a hornier mood (nice).

During the day on the Saturday, we were able to banter a bit away from the kids while she was [getting dressed]( She found some money in one of her pants that belonged to me, but she wanted to keep it. I joked she could earn it later, but she commented it wasn’t enough. So I doubled the amount and we left in on my bedside table.

She had to go out for a bit with one of our kids, so my mind started to wonder what I could pay her to do. I kept coming back to a toy I bought her but she has yet to use, and also role playing a bit of a stripper experience with “extras”. My wife is better when she takes the lead so I was going to see where she started then nudge things in that direction.

[MF] Wife going on vacation for a week without me, I need some help thinking of “tasks” for her while she’s away

This isn’t a story yet, but I’m reaching out to the community to help me build a game. If it works out, I will definitely write about it, and hopefully have some new pictures to share, as well.

So, my wife has beared the brunt of the child-rearing stresses the last 10 years, so she and her brother are heading to an all-inclusive in December. She loves the sun, and I’m guessing will shut her brain off and chill.

This will leave me with all our kids for essentially 8 days at a time of the year where it’s tough to go outside, and school will be out for half of it.

So, I have an idea to help her reward me.

I want to create a list of things for her to do to earn points. When she returns we will tally the points – the more points she earns, the less crazy my reward will be. The points earned will vary depending on the task.

I have 10 or so tasks in mind, but hoping to add another 10-20, so I turn to the hive for ideas.

[MF] – wife shares a secret that leads to a hot fuck

Alrighty, I’ve created this account mostly for myself, to remember some of the sexier times in my life with my wife. She always gets mad that I don’t remember all the things we’ve done, so I figure I’ll start documenting them so I can reminisce as we keep growing old together.

For context, we are both in our 30’s and have a handful of young kids. We also share our home with extended family. This means we are often tired from parenting, and rarely are truly alone as others may come into our space at any moment, even when the kids are asleep. So intimacy, even when we may both be in the mood, is tough to execute.

My wife also works with kids, so she leaves the house to have kids hang off her, then comes home to have her kids hang off her, then they go to bed and then I want to hang off her ;). I have learned she needs, probably more than anything, to be left alone in the evenings. This breaks my heart as I’m left alone, but she’s my wife, I love her, and do believe this is just a stage in our lives where there is a bit more external strain on our emotions. I know teenagers suck and have their own challenges, but I suspect it won’t be the same drain on us.